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Faith and Opportunity Initiative Office

The Center for Faith & Opportunity Initiative (FOIO) in the office of the Secretary, serves to ensure that the Faith-Based and Community Organizations (FBCOs) which form the bedrock of our society have strong advocates within HUD, the White House and throughout the Federal Government.  The Executive Order to establish the  White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative Office was signed to provide recommendations on policies affecting faith-based and community programs; provide recommendations on programs, requirements and opportunities for faith-based and community organizations to partner with HUD and deliver more effective solutions to enhance communities throughout the Nation.  America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened by the power of partnerships and community progress. 

Executive Order to “Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative”:

  • provide recommendations on policies affecting faith-based and community organizations;
  • provide recommendations on programs and policies where faith-based and community organizations may partner and/or deliver more effective solutions to community progress; and,
  • Build effective partnerships.

The objective of the Faith and Opportunity Initiative Office (FOIO) is to build community partnerships and serves as a liaison between HUD and grassroots community and other non-profit organizations, to ensure these organizations have the latest information about HUD faith-based initiatives and programs as well as state, local and other government programs available to their communities.  HUD FOIO also serves as a resource center for FBCOs seeking to partner with HUD to address the housing and community development needs of low-income communities.

The HUD Faith-Based Office convenes outside partners, practitioners and organizations from non-profit and faith communities with policy makers, public-private partners and government officials to more effectively identify and meet the needs of some of the nation's most vulnerable citizens.  This assistance is designed to support, build, and strengthen their capacity by serving as a clearing house for information and requests about potential competitive funding opportunities within HUD and other federal agencies, for FBCOs.

Contact us with any questions or concerns at 202-708-2404