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Ongoing Work

This page contains summaries of the DOJ OIG's ongoing audits, inspections, and reviews.  This page does not include all ongoing audits of DOJ grantees, nor does it contain summaries of investigations, as the DOJ OIG's practice is to not confirm or deny the existence of any ongoing investigation.  

Audit of Certain Tax Division Contracts Awarded for Expert Witness Services

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Tax Division’s expert witness services contracts. The preliminary objectives are to: (1) determine whether the Tax Division adhered to federal regulations during the contract award and administration processes, (2) assess the adequacy of the Tax Division’s contract oversight, and (3) determine if the contractors properly invoiced the government and complied with the terms and conditions of the contract award.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of Selected Aspects of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System

The OIG is conducting an audit of on selected aspects of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) administration of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Our preliminary objectives are to: (1) determine if the FBI appropriately evaluates Point of Contact state compliance with firearms background checks, and (2) ensures that the NICS appeals process complies with the Brady Act.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Audit of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Oversight of 3-D Firearm Printing Technology

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ oversight of three-dimensional (3-D) firearm printing technology.  The preliminary objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of ATF policies and procedures regarding the regulation and oversight of 3-D firearms technology and trafficking.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

Audit of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP)

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP).  The preliminary objectives are to determine whether BJA: (1) implemented adequate oversight and management of COSSAP, (2) effectively coordinated and collaborated with COSSAP partners and stakeholders, and (3) accomplished COSSAP objectives and deliverables.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Administration of the National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Grant Program

The Office of the Inspector General is initiating an audit of the Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) administration of the National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Program.  Our preliminary objectives are to: (1) assess the adequacy of BJA’s management and oversight of its SAKI Program, (2) review BJA’s methodology in awarding SAKI funds, and (3) evaluate BJA’s approach to and progress in accomplishing BJA’s goals for the SAKI program.  

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the Criminal Division’s Process for Incoming Mutual Legal Assistance Evidence Requests

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Criminal Division’s Mutual Legal Assistance process, specifically the process for incoming evidence requests, including its response time to incoming requests, caseload management, reform of the Mutual Legal Assistance process, and coordination with DOJ and other entities.  Our preliminary objective is to assess the Criminal Division’s process for incoming Mutual Legal Assistance requests.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the Department of Justice Policy on Body Worn Cameras

The OIG is initiating an audit of the Department of Justice (Department) Policy on Body Worn Cameras. Our preliminary objectives are to: (1) review and assess the Department’s current body worn camera policy for federal law enforcement officers, (2) evaluate the extent to which body worn cameras were utilized during the Department’s task force pilot program, and (3) assess any plans to expand the use of body worn cameras among federal law enforcement officers and federally deputized task force participants.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Audit of the DOJ’s Contracts with Adaptive Digital Systems, Inc. for Covert Equipment; Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Administration

The Office of the Inspector General is initiating an audit of two DOJ contracts awarded by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to Adaptive Digital Systems, Inc., including contract number DJF-15-1200-V-0007461 and DJD-15-K-0023, respectively. The preliminary objectives of the audit are to assess: (1) component and contractor compliance with contract terms and conditions in the areas of acquisition planning and procurement; contract administration, oversight, and monitoring; billing and payments; and contractor performance; (2) component internal controls related to physical security of covert video and audio equipment and data; and (3) future plans for the acquisition of covert video and audio equipment.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Audit of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Establishment and Oversight of DEA-Supported Foreign Law Enforcement Units

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) establishment and oversight of DEA-supported foreign law enforcement units. The preliminary objectives are to: (1) evaluate the DEA’s process for establishing supported law enforcement units abroad, such as Sensitive Investigative Units, Vetted Units, and Protected Police Units; (2) determine if the DEA is effectively overseeing these units and safeguarding funds used to sustain these formal relationships; and (3) assess the DEA’s process for addressing allegations and specific instances of mismanagement, malfeasance, and waste associated with these units.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Audit of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Support Contracts for its Laboratory Information Management System

The OIG is auditing the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) support contracts for its Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The preliminary audit objective is to assess DEA’s administration of a bridge contract awarded to Abbott Informatics Corporation (Abbott) in March 2019, and relevant acquisition planning activities associated with a solicitation issued in November 2019. To accomplish this objective, we anticipate reviewing DEA’s plans for and oversight of LIMS support contracts, Abbott’s performance on the bridge contract, and pertinent performance and financial reporting requirements.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Audit of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys’ Contracts Awarded to the Cherokee Nation 3S, LLC for Legal and Other Support Services

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys’ (EOUSA) two contracts  awarded to the Cherokee Nation 3S, LLC (Cherokee Nation 3S) for legal and other support services. The preliminary objective of the audit is to assess the EOUSA’s administration of the contracts, and Cherokee Nation 3S’s performance and compliance with the terms, conditions, laws, and regulations applicable to these contracts in the areas of: (1) contractor performance; (2) billings and payments; and (3) contract management, oversight, and monitoring.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Child Pornography Victim Assistance Program

The OIG initiated an audit of the FBI Child Pornography Victim Assistance Program. The objectives of the audit are to (1) evaluate the FBI's process for obtaining images of victimization, (2) evaluate the FBI's process for notifying victims of child pornography and their guardians, and (3) determine whether the FBI appropriately secured personally identifiable information pertaining to program operations.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Office of General Counsel’s Roles and Responsibilities

The OIG is conducting an audit of the FBI Office of General Counsel's (OGC) roles and responsibilities.  The preliminary objective is to review the roles and responsibilities of the FBI OGC in overseeing compliance with applicable laws, policies and procedures relating to the FBI’s national security activities.  This audit was requested by the Attorney General and as stated in his August 31, 2020 memorandum “Augmenting the Internal Compliance Functions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Execution of its Woods Procedures for Applications Filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Relating to U.S. Persons

The OIG is initiating an audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) process for the verification of facts included in FISA applications it submits to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) (“Woods Procedures”). The audit’s preliminary objective is to evaluate whether the FBI is in compliance with its Woods Procedures requirements that help ensure the accuracy of FISA applications submitted to the FISC for U.S. persons.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Purchase Orders Awarded to Idemia National Security Solutions, LLC

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) purchase orders awarded to Idemia National Security Solutions, LLC (Idemia) in June 2018.  The preliminary objectives of the audit are to assess the FBI’s: (1) acquisition planning and selection of Idemia for the purchase orders awarded; (2) administration and oversight of the purchase orders awarded; and (3) Idemia’s performance on the purchase orders awarded, including financial management, monitoring, reporting, and progress toward meeting purchase order goals and objectives.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Prison's Contracts Awarded to the University of Massachusetts Medical School

The OIG is conducting an audit of the BOP's comprehensive medical services contracts awarded to the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMass). The preliminary objective of the audit is to assess BOP’s administration of the contracts, and UMass’ performance and compliance with the terms, conditions, laws, and regulations applicable to these contracts. The assessment of performance may include financial management, monitoring, reporting, and progress toward meeting the contract goals and objectives.

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Management and Oversight of its Religious Services Program

The OIG is auditing the BOP's religious services program.  The preliminary objective of the audit is to assess BOP’s management and oversight of its religious services program to support  faith-based activities and its effectiveness in preventing  security risks and the misuse of program resources.  This audit follows the OIG's recent audit of the BOP's Monitoring of Inmate Communications to Prevent Radicalization. 

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Audit of the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section's Administration of the Equitable Sharing Program

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section's (MLARS) administration of the Equitable Sharing Program. Our preliminary objectives are to: (1) evaluate MLARS' administration and oversight of the Equitable Sharing program, (2) asses MLARS' oversight of participants' management and use of program funds, and (3) assess MLARS' compliance with regulations and guidelines governing the Equitable Sharing program.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Anti-Heroin Task Force Program

The OIG is conducting an audit of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) Anti-Heroin Task Force (AHTF) Program.  The preliminary objectives are to: (1) assess the COPS Office administration and oversight of the AHTF program, (2) determine the extent to which the AHTF program has been successful in combatting participating jurisdiction’s heroin and other opioids in the United States, and (3) review coordination efforts between the COPS Office and other DOJ entities to combat the heroin and opioid crisis.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the Superfund Activities in the Environment and Natural Resources Division for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020

The Office of the Inspector General is initiating an audit of the fiscal years (FYs) 2019 and 2020 Superfund
activities relating to the costs incurred by the Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) in
litigating Superfund cases. The objective of the audit is to determine if the ENRD provided an equitable
distribution of total labor costs, other direct costs, and indirect costs to Superfund cases during FYs 2019
and 2020.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Fiscal Year 2021 Compliance with the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014

The Office of the Inspector General is initiating an audit of the U.S. Department of Justice’s compliance with transparency reporting requirements, as set forth in the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014. Our preliminary objectives are to: (1) review a statistically valid sampling of the fiscal year 2021 spending data submitted, and (2) submit to Congress and make publicly available a report assessing the completeness, timeliness, quality, and accuracy of the data sampled and the implementation and use of data standards.

Other DOJ Components

Audit of the U.S. Marshals Service’s Awarding and Administration of Sole-Source Contracts

The OIG initiated an audit with the objective of evaluating the U.S. Marshals Service’s awarding and administration of sole-source contracts.

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Audit of the United States Marshals Service’s Judicial Security Activities

The Office of the Inspector General is initiating an audit of the United States Marshals Service’s (USMS)judicial security activities. Our preliminary objectives are to assess the USMS’s: (1) judicial security intelligence gathering and threat assessment capabilities, (2) judicial security resources and staffing,(3) Home Intrusion Detection System program, and (4) personal security training provided to judicial officials.

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

BOP's Efforts to Address Inmate Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Against BOP Staff

The OIG is conducting a review of the BOP's efforts to address inmate-on-staff sexual misconduct. The review will assess the prevalence and impacts of inmate-on-staff sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, assault, and abuse, in BOP institutions from fiscal year (FY) 2008 through FY 2018.

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Contract Awarded to the GEO Group, Incorporated to Operate the Robert A. Deyton Detention Center, Lovejoy, Georgia

The OIG initiated an audit of the USMS’s contract awarded to the GEO Group, Incorporated. The preliminary objective of the audit is to assess the USMS’s administration of the contract, and the GEO Group, Incorporated’s performance and compliance with the terms, conditions, laws, and regulations applicable to this contract. The assessment of performance may include financial management, monitoring, reporting, and progress toward meeting the contract goals and objectives.

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Cross-agency Project on COVID-19 Testing across Select Federal Healthcare Programs

The OIG is participating in a cross-agency oversight initiative involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) testing data from federal programs, including the BOP.  The OIG is conducting this effort through its membership in the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) .  The PRAC was created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and aims to promote transparency, support coordinated oversight of the federal government's coronavirus response, and mitigate major risks that cross program and agency boundaries.  OIG members of the PRAC with involvement in healthcare programming will be working to produce a data brief describing COVID-19 testing in federal health-related programs.  The DOJ OIG portion of this project is focused on testing of federal inmates in the custody of the BOP.

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Examination of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Fiscal Year 2020 Compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019

The Office of the Inspector General is initiating an examination of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (Department) fiscal year 2020 compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA). Our preliminary objectives are to: (1) review the payment integrity section of the fiscal year 2020 Agency Financial Report to determine whether the Department is in compliance with the PIIA, and (2) evaluate the Department’s (a) risk assessment methodology, (b) improper payment rate estimates (if required), (c) sampling and estimation plan, (if required), (d) corrective action plans (if required), and (e) efforts to prevent and reduce improper payments.

Other DOJ Components

FBI's Adjudication of Misconduct Investigations

The OIG is examining whether FBI’s misconduct investigations are handled according to policy throughout the adjudication process and how FBI determines when and how to revise its misconduct adjudication policies and process.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

FBI's National Security Undercover Operations

The OIG is conducting an audit of the FBI's National Security Undercover Operations. The preliminary objectives are to evaluate: (1) the FBI’s oversight of national security-related undercover operations, and (2) the FBI’s efforts to recruit and train agents for these undercover operations.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Fiscal Year 2020 – Annual Information Technology Security Evaluation Pursuant to the Federal Information Security Modernization Act

The OIG is conducting its annual Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) evaluation for fiscal year (FY) 2020. FISMA requires that the OIG, or independent evaluators selected by the OIG, perform an annual independent evaluation of the Department of Justice’s (Department) information security programs and practices.  The OIG has selected the following Department components for review: the Justice Management Division; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; Civil Rights Division; National Security Division; and United States Marshals Service.  The OIG will also review select systems from each component to assess the effectiveness of the Department’s information security programs and practices.

Other DOJ Components

Inspection and Review of EOIR Immigration Hearings Conducted Via Video Teleconference

The OIG is conducting an inspection and review of Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) immigration hearings, including immigration hearings conducted via video teleconference (VTC) at U.S. Department of Homeland Security tent facilities.  This review will assess policies and procedures pertaining to the use of VTCs, the quality of the VTC broadcasts, and the potential effects of the use of VTCs on immigration hearings.  The OIG may consider including other issues that may arise during the course of our inspection and review.

Other DOJ Components

Remote Inspections of Facilities Housing Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmates during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The OIG is conducting a series of remote inspections of facilities housing BOP inmates during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. These inspections will assess whether BOP-managed institutions, contract institutions, and contract Residential Reentry Centers are complying with available guidance and best practices regarding preventing, managing, and containing potential COVID-19 outbreaks in correctional and residential reentry settings. The OIG’s objectives include providing information gathered during these inspections to assist BOP in mitigating the health risks arising from the pandemic.  As part of this work, the OIG is examining the Department’s and the BOP’s use of home confinement and other early release authorities provided under the CARES Act to manage the spread of COVID-19 within BOP facilities.  

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Review Examining BOP’s Use of Home Confinement as a Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has initiated a review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) use of home confinement as a tool to mitigate the effect of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic on the federal prison population.  The review will assess the BOP’s process for implementing the use of home confinement as authorized under the CARES Act, the process for its consideration of the eligibility criteria outlined in the Attorney General’s March 26 and April 3, 2020 memoranda, and the process by which BOP headquarters evaluated wardens’ recommendations that inmates who did not meet the Attorney General’s criteria be placed in home confinement.  The review will also select particular cases for examination to determine whether there were irregularities in the BOP’s processes.  If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.  The OIG is undertaking this review in response to requests from Members of Congress, and issues the OIG identified during the series of remote inspections it has conducted regarding the BOP’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Review Examining DOJ's and its Law Enforcement Components' Roles and Responsibilities in Responding to Protest Activity and Civil Unrest in Washington, DC and Portland, Oregon

In response to requests from Members of Congress and members of the public, the DOJ OIG is initiating a review to examine the DOJ’s and its law enforcement components’ roles and responsibilities in responding to protest activity and civil unrest in Washington, DC, and in Portland, Oregon in June and July 2020. The review will include examining the training and instruction that was provided to the DOJ law enforcement personnel; compliance with applicable identification requirements, rules of engagement, and legal authorities; and adherence to DOJ policies regarding the use of less-lethal munitions, chemical agents, and other uses of force. With regard to events in Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, the DOJ OIG will coordinate our review with the Department of Interior OIG. If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Other DOJ Components, United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Review Examining the Role and Activity of DOJ and its Components in Preparing for and Responding to the Events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021

The DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is initiating a review to examine the role and activity of DOJ and its components in preparing for and responding to the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. The DOJ OIG will coordinate its review with reviews also being conducted by the Offices of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of the Interior. The DOJ OIG review will include examining information relevant to the January 6 events that was available to DOJ and its components in advance of January 6; the extent to which such information was shared by DOJ and its components with the U.S. Capitol Police and other federal, state, and local agencies; and the role of DOJ personnel in responding to the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. The DOJ OIG also will assess whether there are any weaknesses in DOJ protocols, policies, or procedures that adversely affected the ability of DOJ or its components to prepare effectively for and respond to the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. If circumstances warrant, the DOJ OIG will consider examining other issues that may arise during the review.

The DOJ OIG is mindful of the sensitive nature of the ongoing criminal investigations and prosecutions related to the events of January 6. Consistent with long-standing OIG practice, in conducting this review, the DOJ OIG will take care to ensure that the review does not interfere with these investigations or prosecutions.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Other DOJ Components, United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Review of EOIR's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The OIG is conducting a limited scope review of the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s handling of certain challenges presented in conducting operations during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID 19) pandemic. The OIG will assess EOIR’s communication to staff, parties to proceedings, and the public about immigration court operations; its use of personal protective equipment; its use of worksite flexibilities; and its ability to mitigate health risks while maintaining operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other DOJ Components

Review of Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Deaths in Custody

The OIG is conducting a review of non-natural inmate deaths at Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) institutions, Residential Reentry Centers, and contract facilities from fiscal years 2014 through 2019. This review will assess the circumstances surrounding inmate deaths and evaluate how the BOP seeks to prevent future inmate deaths.

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Review of Gender Equity in the FBI’s Training and Selection Processes for New Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts at the FBI Academy

The OIG is conducting a review to assess gender equity in the training and selection process for new Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts.  The review will examine policies and practices, trends and patterns for male and female trainees, and perceptions of gender equity at the FBI Academy.  It will also assess processes designed to ensure gender equity and prevent gender discrimination for trainees, including the FBI’s internal Equal Employment Opportunity process.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Review of the Department's Planning and Implementation of Its Zero Tolerance Policy and its Coordination with the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services

The OIG is reviewing DOJ’s planning and implementation of its zero tolerance policy relating to prosecution of persons for entering the United States illegally in southwest border jurisdictions. The review also will assess the Department’s coordination with the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services on the policy’s implementation. Consistent with the Inspector General Act and the OIG’s role, the review will not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the Department regarding the substantive merits of the policy.

Other DOJ Components

Review of the Department’s Violent Crime Initiatives

The OIG is reviewing the Department's strategic planning and accountability measures for combatting violent crime, including coordination across Department prosecution, law enforcement, and grant making components; and strategic planning for providing assistance to communities that are confronting significant increases in homicides and gun violence.

Other DOJ Components

Review of the DOJ's and FBI's Planning for a Future FBI Headquarters Facility

The OIG is conducting a review that will assess the DOJ’s and FBI’s planning for a future FBI Headquarters facility. The review will include an examination of DOJ’s and the FBI’s progress in its planning, their assessment and consideration of the previously proposed plan to move FBI Headquarters to a suburban location, and their assessment and consideration of the plan to demolish the J. Edgar Hoover Building and construct a new facility on that site.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Other DOJ Components

Review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Policy Development Process

The OIG is conducting a review of the BOP’s policy development process, including how existing processes and oversight impact policy development. The OIG will examine the factors that may impede the BOP from revising national policies in a timely manner and assess BOP performance metrics to evaluate the success of its policy development process.

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Review of the Institutional Hearing and Removal Program

The OIG is reviewing the actions taken by the Department of Justice (Department), including the Executive Office for Immigration Review and Federal Bureau of Prisons, to expand the Institutional Hearing and Removal Program (IHRP). The review will assess the steps the Department took to expand the number of IHRP sites, enhance video teleconferencing capabilities, and coordinate with the Department of Homeland Security.

Other DOJ Components

Review of the Office of Justice Programs' Administration of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Funding

The OIG initiated a review of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding provided through the fiscal year 2020 Office of Justice Programs' (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program Solicitation.  The preliminary objectives are to assess OJP's efforts to:  (1) distribute Coronavirus award funding in a timely and efficient manner, and (2) review pre-award activities to determine if Coronavirus awards were made in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and other guidelines. 

Other DOJ Components

Review of the U.S. Marshals Service Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The OIG initiated a review of the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The review will assess whether the USMS is complying with available guidance and best practices regarding preventing, managing, and containing potential COVID-19 outbreaks in its detention settings.  The preliminary objective is to provide information gathered during this review to assist the USMS in mitigating the health risks arising from the pandemic. 

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Review of the U.S. Marshals Service's Pharmaceutical Drug Costs for Detainees

The OIG is conducting a review of the USMS's pharmaceutical drug costs for detainees. This review will examine the USMS’s process for and spending on drug procurement under the National Managed Care Contract, as well as its efforts to control rising drug costs.

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Review of the U.S. Marshals Service's Tactical Training Officer Program

The OIG is examining the U.S. Marshals Service's (USMS) Tactical Training Officer (TTO) Program that it established in 2011. The review will cover the TTO Program’s policies, procedures, and training provided to USMS personnel and Task Force Officers. The review will also focus on how the TTO Program has changed USMS training and operations for conducting high-risk fugitive apprehensions.

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Reviews of the Department’s Fiscal Year 2020 Accounting of Drug Control Funds and Related Performance

The OIG is conducting attestation reviews of the Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Accounting of Drug Control Funds and Related Performance of the Department’s Assets Forfeiture Fund, Criminal Division, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Office of Justice Programs, Offices of the United States Attorneys, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces, and United States Marshals Service. 

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Other DOJ Components, United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Use of Government-Owned Vehicles for Home to Work Transportation by ATF Headquarters Officials

Headquarters officials for travel between their residences and work locations.  Such use of GOVs is governed by the ATF’s Home-to-Work Plan, which is authorized by the Attorney General pursuant to 31 U.S.C § 1344.  The review will assess whether oversight and management of GOV use by ATF Headquarters officials has been consistent with the Home-to-Work Plan. 

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Other DOJ Components