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Moving to Work Demonstration Program

Moving to Work (MTW) is a demonstration program for public housing authorities (PHAs) that provides them the opportunity to design and test innovative, locally designed strategies that use Federal dollars more efficiently, help residents find employment and become self-sufficient, and increase housing choices for low-income families. MTW allows PHAs exemptions from many existing public housing and voucher rules and provides funding flexibility with how they use their Federal funds. PHAs in the MTW demonstration have pioneered a number of innovative policy interventions that have been proven to be successful at the local level, and subsequently rolled out to the rest of the country’s PHAs. Currently, there are 39 MTW PHAs nationwide and HUD plans to expand the program to addition 100 PHAs by 2022.

MTW Expansion Information

Updated January 14, 2021

HUD is thrilled to announce that the first thirty agencies, representing communities across the nation, have been selected for the expansion of the MTW Demonstration Program.  Additionally, HUD published notices inviting interested PHAs to apply to the third and fourth cohorts of the MTW Expansion.  PHAs interested in joining the MTW Demonstration Program and other interested individuals can find everything they need to know about the MTW Expansion by going to the MTW Expansion webpage. Additional links can also be found in the right side navigation panel on that page.

What's New with MTW

New Cityscape Reflects on MTW

January 14, 2021

The newest issue of Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research features a symposium reflecting on the MTW Demonstration. Six articles report research conducted by Urban Institute and MDRC for a HUD-sponsored retrospective evaluation of MTW. Congress requested an assessment of the MTW demonstration as a whole, rather than studies of initiatives at individual agencies. The six retrospective studies reported on in this symposium offer the first longitudinal analysis and the most comprehensive view to date of MTW agencies, MTW housing assistance, MTW activities, and the performance of MTW agencies in relation to statutory objectives. The essay on HUD’s Rent Reform Demonstration also included here explains MTW’s contribution to a major, groundbreaking study on rent setting in HUD programs. This issue can be found here.

HUD Publishes 30-day Federal Register Notice to Solicit Comments on MTW Supplement to the PHA Plan

December 14, 2020

On December 11, 2020, the MTW Supplement to the PHA Plan (MTW Supplement) was published in the Federal Register for a 30-day comment period. This publication incorporates feedback from comments received during the 60-day comment period, which was published on October 9, 2018. The MTW Supplement describes the reporting requirements for MTW Expansion PHAs and will be submitted once per year as part of the standard PHA Plan process. MTW Expansion PHAs will indicate the MTW activities they intend to implement from the list of MTW Waivers provided in the MTW Operations Notice. In response to stakeholder feedback, HUD has attempted to simplify and streamline the reporting process, eliminate the standard metrics, and provide the same level of flexibilities through the MTW Waivers, Agency-Specific Waivers, and Safe Harbor Waivers. We welcome any comments that you may have, which must be submitted per the instructions in the Federal Register notice, by January 11, 2021.

HUD-50058 MTW Expansion Published

December 7, 2020

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the HUD-50058 MTW Expansion. The HUD-50058 MTW Expansion will be used by MTW Expansion PHAs to submit tenant-level data to HUD in PIC-NG, since certain MTW flexibilities preclude MTW PHAs from being able to submit tenant-level data on the HUD-50058. This new form is a derivative of the HUD-50058 and HUD-50058 MTW. The HUD-50058 MTW Expansion form was developed so that HUD will be able to collect the information that will be needed to evaluate each of the MTW expansion PHAs and cohorts, as required by Congress.

MTW Operations Notice

August 28, 2020

The final MTW Operations Notice was published in the Federal Register at FR-5994-05. The document is reformatted on HUD’s website for ease of review (Sections I-V and Section VI).

New Research and Evaluation Page

July 21, 2020

We have added a new Research and Evaluation page to our website. This page highlights the HUD-funded and outside evaluations of the of the MTW program that have been completed since the authorizing of the MTW demonstration program in 1996. The reports included on this page include a range of the many activities and policy innovations that MTW agencies have undertaken along with their associated results/outcomes.

Updated Special Purpose Vouchers Guidance for MTW Agencies

April 30, 2020

HUD has updated its questions and answers guidance on Special Purpose Vouchers (SPVs) that are administered by MTW agencies. The document covers various topics related to SPVs, such as MTW fungibility, applying MTW program flexibilities, new SPV types including the Foster Youth to Independence vouchers, and reporting requirements for SPVs. HUD will continue to update this document as new SPV types are authorized and if any changes are needed for SPVs administered by MTW agencies. The updated SPV Q&A guidance can be found here.

MTW Promising Practices Documents Posted

April 2, 2020

HUD recently posted two documents to the Promising Practices page of the MTW website: “MTW Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Innovations” and “Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and Utilizing MTW Flexibilities.”

The MTW Demonstration allows MTW agencies to design and test various flexibilities in implementing the FSS program. Agencies have used this flexibility to design and test better ways to serve families in their FSS programs. The MTW FSS Innovations document, relying on MTW agency submitted Annual MTW Plans and Reports, outlines some of the ways in which MTW agencies have utilized authorizations in the MTW Agreement to implement innovations around the FSS program or to create local self-sufficiency programs.

The RAD program was created in order to give public housing agencies a powerful tool to preserve and improve public housing properties and address the nationwide backlog of deferred maintenance. Coupling the RAD program with MTW flexibilities has allowed MTW agencies to test various approaches for providing and administering housing programs, safeguarding long-term housing assistance, modernizing its properties and providing greater funding support. The RAD and Utilizing MTW Flexibilities document, relying on Annual MTW Plans, Reports, and MTW agency websites, outlines some of the ways in which MTW agencies have utilized authorizations in their MTW Agreements to implement innovations around the RAD program.

Read older news items in the News Archive


Last updated January 14, 2020

Participating Agencies

Map showing location of MTW agencies

General MTW Information

Participating Agencies Information

MTW Program Expansion

Technical Assistance
