The Application Process

NOTE: Reapplications and Annual Report timelines have been extended - please see this CDD Blog Post to understand how this impacts your program.

Providers who are regulated and have a full license or registration from the Child Development Division. This includes registered and licensed family child care homes, as well as licensed center-based programs, such as early childhood, preschool, afterschool, and non-recurring care programs.

Are we ready to apply?

You may apply for 2 or more STARS at any time. Even if you feel your program is not yet operating at its ideal level, do not hesitate to apply. STARS is designed to recognize providers’ achievements in the arenas in which they are strongest, while they continue to improve in other arenas. Receiving even two stars is an accomplishment and indicates that you have gone above and beyond Vermont’s basic regulatory standards.

How do I get an application form?

You can get a STARS application by:

  • Selecting the correct application materials, Click here;
  • Calling one of the STARS coordinators at (802) 398-2037; or
  • Emailing the STARS coordinators.

No application fee is required.

Is help available?

If you would like to help with the application process, please call the STARS coordinators at (802) 398-2037. You can also send them an email and they will get back to you. Be sure to let them know the best ways to reach you.

Step by Step Guide

  1. Select the correct application materials, Click here. Or contact a the STARS coordinators to request materials at (802) 398-2037 or email STARS@mjccvt.orgNo application fee is required.
  2. You may apply for recognition in four arenas:
  • Staff qualifications;
  • Families and communities;
  • Program practices; and
  • Program administration.
  1. Decide which point level you are able to achieve. In the 2019 application you can earn up to 5 points in program practices and up to 3 points in all other arenas.
  2. Read the application to determine the number of points you plan to apply for and what documentation you will need to submit.
  3. Submit your application along with all the required attachments (clipped together – no binders, please) to the STARS coordinators at the address listed in the application.
  4. Points are totaled across all four arenas to determine the number of STARS you can receive. Below are the points and star level related to 2019 application.

    Regulated Program – One Star
    1 - 4 points – Two Stars
    5 - 8 points – Three Stars
    9 - 11 points – Four Stars
    12 - 14 points – Five Stars

  5. The STARS coordinator reviews your application and supporting documents.  
  1. The Child Development Division awards the appropriate level of STARS recognition. 2019 STARS applications result in certificates that are valid for three years, and annual reports are required. Contact the STARS coordinators about possible changes in star level at any point.

Contact Us

Steven Berbeco, Deputy Commissioner
Child Development Division (CDD)
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-1040
Phone: (802) 241-3110 or 1-800-649-2642
Fax: (802) 241-0846

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