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Division of Human Subjects Research

Division of Human Subjects Research (DHSR)

The Division of Human Subjects Research (DHSR) provides expertise, leadership, coordination, and guidance in the areas of policy implementation and development for human subjects research

Major Responsibilities:

Director: Pamela R. Kearney, M.D.
Administrative Assistant: Maurice Collier *
NIH Inclusion Policy Officer: Dawn Corbett, MPH

NIH Human Subjects Officer:  Lyndi Lahl, RN, MS
Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Specialist:  Deysi Duque, MSc, PMP
Human Subjects and Inclusion Policy Specialist: Rebecca Favor, DrPH, CPH
Human Subjects and Certificates of Confidentiality Specialist: Angela Chambers, BA
Human Subjects Analyst:  Sarah J. Shane

Contact Us:
This page last updated on April 20, 2020
Technical Issues: E-mail OER Webmaster