In the News

In the News is a collection of news stories about aging and disability issues, as well as news stories about ACL and ACL programs.

All of these links ultimately take you to external news websites. The information in the articles does not necessarily reflect the positions of ACL or the federal government, and ACL does not endorse the content of the articles or the publishing organizations. 

January 21, 2021
Disability Scoop (1/21, Diament) reports CDC researchers “are offering up a new estimate of the number of American children with intellectual disability.” The researchers examined “8-year-olds in several communities across the nation” and “found that 1.2% had IQ scores of 70 or below qualifying them for an
January 21, 2021
Wall Street Journal (January 21) Lilly Antibody Drug Prevents COVID-19 in Nursing Homes, Study Finds The drugmaker plans to ask U.S. health regulators to expand bamlanivimab’s use to protect nursing-home residents and staff from Covid-19.   
January 21, 2021
The Baltimore Sun (January 21) Maryland Seniors, Others Eligible for Coronavirus Vaccine Frustrated by Communication Void, Wait Like it did for many Maryland seniors, Gov. Larry Hogan’s announcement last week offered hope for Stephen Poe. It meant the 80-year-old who lives near Edgewater would be eligible to receive the coronavirus vaccine in a few days.
January 20, 2021
Disability Scoop (1/20, Ollove) reports that the almost 40-year-old Medicaid program, the Katie Beckett Waiver Program, “enables families who earn too much to qualify for regular health care coverage to tap into home-based services.” Many families “would have to place their children in an institution” witho
January 20, 2021
NPR (1/20, Andrews) reports “a decade-long campaign by advocates highlighting” the fact that “people with ALS often must quit their jobs...leaving families in financial distress” was granted “a victory last month when Congress passed a bill opening key support programs earlier for ALS patients.” In December
January 19, 2021
Wall Street Journal (January 19) More Americans Face Retirement Insecurity A Boston College study shows the pandemic worsens an already grim trend.
January 19, 2021
Forbes (1/19, Knutson) reports the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on Tuesday urging the federal government and the states to devote greater resources to investigating elder financial abuse.
January 19, 2021
Disability Scoop (1/19, Heasley) reports, “Federal officials are weighing a rewrite of regulations designed to ensure that people with disabilities do not face discrimination from medical providers amid persistent concerns about unequal access.” HHS’ “Office for Civil Rights is issuing a request for informa
January 18, 2021
Disability Scoop (January 18) Biden Plan Would End Subminimum Wage, Offer Stimulus Checks to More with Disabilities In his first major undertaking, President-elect Joe Biden wants to do away with a decades-old option to pay workers with disabilities less than minimum wage while giving stimulus payments to more people in this population.
January 18, 2021
Groups Working Together To Ensure People Of Color Gain Access To COVID-19 Vaccine. USA Today (1/18, Hassanein, Alltucker) reports, “As states open vaccinations to those 65 and older and those with health issues that put them at greater risk of serious illness, groups nationwide are strategizing gr

Last modified on 05/21/2020

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