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All About Grants Podcasts

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The Office of Extramural Research (OER) talks to NIH staff members about the ins and outs of NIH funding. Designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process, we provide insights on grant topics from those who live and breathe the information. Episodes are available as mp3s for download here, via iTunes, or via RSS feed. Information on RSS and Podcasts


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So you wanna learn about...
...preparing to apply?
...developing a successful grant application?
...advice for new and early-career scientists?
...submitting your application?
...NIH Peer Review? activities and requirements?

...special programs?

Preparing to Apply










Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) MP3 January 31, 2020 11 min Transcript
Using RePORT Web Tools Throughout the Grants Process MP3 March 15, 2019 12 min Transcript
Who Should I Contact at NIH? - Part 1 of 4: Roles of NIH Staff and How They Work Together MP3 March 28, 2013 8 min Transcript
Who Should I Contact at NIH? - Part 2 of 4: Finding a Funding Opportunity and Developing Your Application. MP3 March 28, 2013 9 min Transcript
Deciphering Funding Opportunity Alphabet Soup MP3 January 7, 2011 12 min Transcript
Due Dates, Cycles and Award Dates Oh My! MP3 December 20, 2010 13 min Transcript

Developing a Successful Grant Application










Considering Alternatives to Animals MP3 November 13, 2020 19 min Transcript
Human Subjects Protection and Monitoring Plans MP3 October 29, 2020 10 min Transcript
Am I doing Human Subjects Research MP3 August 28, 2020 13 min Transcript
Letters of Support MP3 September 23, 2019  8 min Transcript
Writing a Fellowship Application MP3 July 01, 2019 11 min Transcript
Rigor and Reproducibility in Your Grant Application MP3 December 12, 2018 10 min  Transcript
NIH’s Inclusion Across the Lifespan Policy  MP3 August 6, 2018 8 min Transcript
Using the PHS Assignment Request Form MP3 June 28, 2016 8 min Transcript
Writing Your Vertebrate Animal Section MP3 April 04, 2016  11 min Transcript
NIH's Biosketch Requirements MP3 March 24, 2015 6 min Transcript
Using SciENcv to Create an NIH Biosketch MP3 March 24, 2015 10 min Transcript
Information and Advice for Preparing an AREA Application MP3 January 20, 2012 12 min Transcript
Assembling the Right Team MP3 September 19, 2011 11 min Transcript
Sharing in the Research Sandbox: Writing Your Data Sharing Plan MP3 May 19, 2011 6 min Transcript
Budget Basics MP3 April 15, 2011 14 min Transcript
Including Women, Children, and Minorities in Clinical Research MP3 April 6, 2011 14 min Transcript
Telling Your Story MP3 March 7, 2011 14 min Transcript
Using Plain Language for Application Titles, Abstracts and Public Health Relevance Statements MP3 August 13, 2010 8 min Transcript
Grant Writing for New Investigators MP3 April 30, 2010 16 min Transcript

Advice For New and Early Career Scientists










Enhance Your Research Capabilities through an Independent Career Award MP3 July 29, 2010 15 min Transcript
Training and Career Opportunities in NIH's Intramural Research Program MP3 July 16, 2010 15 min Transcript
Graduate Students Considering a Postdoc MP3 July 2, 2010 9 min Transcript
Using Career Development Awards to Achieve Independence MP3 June 21, 2010 12 min Transcript
Postdocs Thinking About Independence MP3 June 4, 2010 19 min Transcript
Jump Starting Your Research Program for New Faculty Members MP3 May 20, 2010 19 min Transcript
Considerations for Early Stage Investigators MP3 April 16, 2010 16 min Transcript

Submitting Your Application










Cover Letters and their Appropriate Use MP3 March 30, 2018 7 min Transcript
Why it’s so Important to Submit Applications Early MP3 December 29, 2017 9 min Transcript
Changes to the NIH Appendix Policy for 2018 MP3 December 29, 2017 5 min Transcript
Understanding the Definition of a Clinical Trial and What That Means for You MP3 October 17, 2017 12 min Transcript
NIH’s Post Application Submission Policy MP3 April 28, 2017 8 min Transcript
A look at NIH's Appendix Policy MP3 April 28, 2017 8 min Transcript
Using the PHS Assignment Request Form MP3 June 28, 2016 8 min Transcript
Who Should I Contact at NIH? - Part 3 of 4: Application Submission through Review MP3 April 30, 2013 10 min Transcript
Submitting Just in Time Information MP3 October 25, 2011 4 min Transcript
Due Dates, Cycles and Award Dates Oh My! MP3 December 20, 2010 13 min Transcript

NIH Peer Review










Managing Conflicts of Interest in Peer Review MP3 October 25, 2019  8 min Transcript
Maintaining Confidentiality in Peer Review MP3 April 09, 2019 12 min Transcript
NIH Advisory Councils MP3 July 05, 2018 10 min  Transcript
Who Should I Contact at NIH? - Part 3 of 4: Application Submission through Review MP3 April 30, 2013 10 min Transcript
Appealing Your Review MP3 July 26, 2011 10 min Transcript
Selecting Study Section Reviewers MP3 July 6, 2011 10 min Transcript
Why Are Budgets Cut? MP3 June 10, 2011 12 min Transcript
Summary Statement Basics MP3 October 20, 2010 10 min Transcript
Scoring Your Application MP3 September 24, 2010 15 min Transcript
The Ins and Outs of a Study Section Meeting MP3 September 10, 2010 15 min Transcript
Who Receives Your Grant Application and What Do They Do With It? MP3 August 27, 2010 20 min Transcript

Post-Award Activities & Requirements










All About Grants Podcast: Human Subjects Research Post-Award  MP3 December 28, 2020 7 min Transcript
Research Misconduct  MP3 September 14, 2020  16 min Transcript
Invention Reporting and Patent Protections for Grantees  MP3 July 7, 2020  18 min Transcript
Certificates of Confidentiality  MP3 January 6, 2020  12 min Transcript
Using RePORT Web Tools Throughout the Grants Process MP3 March 15, 2019 12 min Transcript
Reporting the Results of Valid Analyses MP3 August 6, 2018 7 min Transcript
Expiring Appropriations: NIH Grants Policy Update MP3 June 28, 2018 9 min Transcript
How Does NIH Protect Your Privacy?  MP3 May 22, 2018 7 min Transcript
Understanding the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) MP3 May 24, 2016 18 min Transcript
What Administrators Need to Know About Financial Closeout of Grants  MP3 February 26, 2016  10 min Transcript
Who Should I Contact at NIH? - Part 4 of 4: Life After Peer Review MP3 April 30, 2013 9 min Transcript
NIH's Inclusion Policy: Understanding Race and Ethnicity MP3 July 26, 2013 7 min Transcript
Understanding the NIH Public Access Policy MP3 January 23, 2013 11 min Transcript
Using MyNCBI to Manage NIH Public Access Policy Compliance MP3 January 23, 2013 11 min Transcript
Using the Public Access Compliance Monitor Tool MP3 January 23, 2013 10 min Transcript
Submitting the Federal Financial Report (FFR) MP3 August 23, 2012 6 min Transcript
Taking Your Grant with You When You Move MP3 March 28, 2012 6 min Transcript
Submitting Supplement Requests Electronically MP3 February 14, 2012 5 min Transcript
Sharing in the Research Sandbox: Writing Your Data Sharing Plan MP3 May 19, 2011 10 min Transcript
Including Women, Children, and Minorities in Clinical Research MP3 April 6, 2011 14 min Transcript
Human Subjects Risk and Protection MP3 March 22, 2011 12 min Transcript
Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research MP3 December 3, 2010 6 min Transcript

Special Programs






All About Contracts MP3 May 11, 2020 15 min Transcript
NIH’s Interest in Diversity and Diversity Supplement Programs MP3 February 18, 2020 11 min Transcript
Increasing Diversity in NIH Small Business Programs MP3 February 5, 2019  16 min Transcript
Preparing for Private Investment MP3 October 16, 2018 13 min Transcript
NIH’s Loan Repayment Programs MP3 September 27, 2016 10 min  Transcript

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This page last updated on February 18, 2020
Technical Issues: E-mail OER Webmaster