Colleges and Universities

Colleges and Universities

Vermont colleges and universities are working with state and community partners to ensure a safe environment. Below are resources to guide you in responding to COVID-19.

If you learn of a positive case at your college or university, contact the Health Department's Infectious Disease Epidemiology team. Call 802-863-7240 (Mon - Fri 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m, choose Option 3, outside those hours, choose Option 7).

Find out how to safely drop off a student at college

If you are a college student coming home to Vermont for a break or holiday, you must quarantine for 14 days, once you arrive. If you have not had any symptoms of COVID-19, the quarantine period may be shortened by having a test on or after day 7 of quarantine, though you must continue to quarantine until you receive a negative test result. Read more about quarantine for returning travelers.

Guidance and Information

Public Testing Dashboards and Information for Vermont Colleges and Universities
Find a link to each Vermont college and university that is maintaining a public dashboard or otherwise publicly maintaining information regarding their COVID-19 testing results. From the Department of Financial Regulation.

Guidance Inventory for College and University COVID-19 Support
Lists sources of guidance and resources including information on the Health Department's role and support, campus living, facilities and classrooms, and managing and preventing spread. From the Health Department.

Student Messaging Toolkit for Post-Secondary Schools in Vermont
A resource for content that post-secondary institutions can use to communicate to their student populations, including useful links. From the Health Department.

Mandatory Guidance for College and University Campus Learning
Guidance from the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to help:

  • decrease the risk of people infected with COVID-19 entering the campus through effective public health prevention
  • decrease transmission of COVID-19 among staff and students once on campus through effective public health measures
  • quickly identify people with COVID-19 and put containment procedures in place to minimize the impact on students, staff and education.

Resources for Institutes of Higher Education
Understand how to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among students, faculty, and staff. The guidance also aims to help institutions react quickly should a case be identified or if there is spread within the community. Includes considerations to help administrators plan for the continuity of teaching, learning, and research if there is community spread of COVID-19 and address concerns related to COVID-19 associated stigma. From the CDC.

Cases and Outbreaks

COVID-19 Case Actions Checklist
A general list of what to expect and actions to take if someone develops COVID-19 symptoms while on campus or when there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 on campus.

Recorded Webinar: Preparing for and Responding to COVID-19 at Vermont Colleges
In this webinar, presenters from Vermont colleges discuss how they have worked with the Health Department to prepare for and respond to COVID-19 on Vermont college campuses. Health Department experts talk about what works when it comes to contact tracing, testing, and prevention, and review the current status of a COVID-19 vaccine.

What to do if an employee tests positive for COVID-19
Guidance for employers including information you'll gather, supporting employees, return to work, close contacts. From the Health Department.

What to do when your co-worker has COVID-19
Also in: Arabic Burmese Chinese | French Karen Kirundi Nepali | Somali Spanish Swahili Vietnamese
Actions you can take to stay safe if a co-worker has tested positive and information on when you need to quarantine. From the Health Department.

Line List
A form used to track students and staff with symptoms, positive tests, and their contacts.

Resources for Students

Supportive Quarantine Program
For students and others moving to Burlington and for people asked to quarantine as part of contact tracing. Includes a daily check-in, move-in care package and gift certificate. From the City of Burlington.

Enjoy Safer Sex and Reduce the Risk of Spreading COVID-19
Also in Spanish
Offers strategies and tips to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 during sex. From the Health Department.

COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions

VT Helplink: Alcohol & Drug Support Center

802Quits: Tobacco Quit Resource

COVID-19 Food Access page