Providing information and resources to help applicants and grantees navigate eRA systems during the grants lifecycle, as well as help reviewers during the application review process.


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Latest Postings

  • The xTRACT online help and user guide have been updated to describe a more efficient way to add publications for students and trainees; see the xTRACT information page for links to the help and user guide. - 01/14/2021
  • New help and PDFS to align with new Login and Landing screens: See the information pages for eRA Commons, Status, Personal Profile, LikeThis, ASSIST, RPPR, FCOI, FFR, xTrain, and SBIR CAP to access their respective online help and PDF user guides.  - 01/13/2021
  • New eRA Commons help and PDF posted, containing updated Federal Financial Report documentation to accommodate the updated process of completing and submitting the FFR through Payment Management System (PMS). - 01/04/2021
  • A new Personal Profile PDF has been posted. - 01/04/2021
  • ASSIST Help and ASSIST PDF have been updated with new steps for initiating administrative supplements.  - 07/27/2020
  • xTrain and xTRACT Online Help Updates - 04/30/2020
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