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Assistance for Housing and Other Needs

FEMA aids individuals and families who have disaster caused damages to their homes as a result of a presidentially declared disaster. We can help with other assistance needs, such as disaster-caused childcare needs, disaster medical expenses or necessary clean-up items.

FEMA does not provide assistance for small businesses impacted by a disaster. Our partner, the Small Business Administration (SBA), offers low interest loans for business damages. Also, we do not offer housing assistance for secondary homes, only for your primary residence.

What FEMA Assistance Covers

FEMA can provide assistance for items not covered by insurance for homeowners and renters. 

You cannot receive assistance from both your insurance company and FEMA for the same damage. Doing so is illegal insurance fraud. 

Apply for FEMA Assistance at DisasterAssistance.gov


The following types of assistance may be provided by FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program.

  • Temporary Housing Assistance: Financial assistance to homeowners or renters to rent a temporary place to live if your home is unlivable because of the disaster, and you have no insurance coverage for temporary housing. If there no rental properties are available, as a last resort, a government housing unit may be provided in some areas.
  • Lodging Expenses Reimbursement: Reimbursement of hotel expenses for homeowners or renters for short periods of time due to inaccessibility or utility outage, if not covered by insurance or any other program.
  • Home Repair: Financial assistance to homeowners to repair disaster-caused damage to their primary residence, when the damage is not covered by insurance, to make the home safe, sanitary, and fit to occupy.
  • Home Replacement: Financial assistance to homeowners to help replace their home destroyed in the disaster, when the damage is not covered by insurance.
  • Permanent Housing Construction: Direct or financial assistance for the construction or repair of a home. This type of help occurs only in certain unique cases where no other type of housing assistance is possible.

Other Needs Assistance

Financial assistance is available for necessary expenses and serious needs directly caused by the disaster, including:

  • Child-care expenses
  • Medical and dental expenses
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Damages to essential household items (room furnishings, appliances); clothing; tools (specialized or protective clothing and equipment) required for your job; necessary educational materials (computers, schoolbooks, supplies)
  • Fuel for the primary heat source (heating oil, gas)
  • Clean-up items (wet/dry vacuum, dehumidifier)
  • Damage to an essential vehicle
  • Moving and storage expenses caused by the disaster. This is moving and storage of essential household goods to prevent further damage, such as ongoing repairs, and returning property to the applicant’s primary residence.
  • Other necessary expenses or serious needs as determined by FEMA
Last updated July 19, 2020