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    Guidance and Tools

    FEMA grants require applicants and recipients to use various tools to apply for and manage their FEMA grants. Grants sometimes ask for specific information or research to be included in the application package. Use the tools below to help you complete your application and manage your grants.

    Featured Tools

    Learn about the 2 CFR updates that apply to FEMA awards.

    View a list of approved equipment types allowed under preparedness grant programs.

    Access checklists and other resources if your grant needs an Environmental & Historic Preservation review.

    Use the benefit-cost analysis to demonstrate the cost effectiveness of your project.

    Learn about the federal rules that apply when purchasing under a FEMA award.  Resources include:

    • Templates
    • Checklists
    • Webinars
    • Quick and comprehensive resources
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    Visit Grants.gov for additional tools.