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  • Tracy Renaud, Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; Director
  • Larry C. DeNayer, Acting Deputy Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • Vacant, Chief of Staff, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • Vacant, Chief Counsel, USCIS
  • Kika Scott, Chief Financial Officer
  • Stephen Dove, Chief, Office of the Executive Secretariat
  • Katherine Lotspeich, Chief Office of Performance and Quality
  • Connie Nolan, Acting Associate Director, Service Center Operations Directorate
  • Jennifer B. Higgins, Associate Director, Refugee, Asylum and International Operations
  • Inga I. Dawson, Deputy Associate Director, Management Directorate
  • Matthew D. Emrich, Associate Director, Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate
  • Michael Valverde, Acting Associate Director, Field Operations Directorate
  • Tammy Meckley, Associate Director, Immigration Records and Identity Services Directorate
  • Carrie M. Selby, Acting Associate Director, External Affairs Directorate
  • Vacant, Chief, Office of Policy and Strategy
  • Angela Y. Washington, Acting Chief, Office of Privacy
  • Susan Dibbins, Chief, Administrative Appeals Office
  • Kristinn Coleman, Chief, Office of Investigations
  • Paula Thomas, Chief, Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion
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