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Office of Privacy


Angela Y. Washington is the Acting Chief of the Office of Privacy.


The mission of the USCIS Office of Privacy is to protect individuals by embedding and enforcing privacy protections and transparency in all USCIS activities.

What We Do

The Office of Privacy:

  • Evaluates USCIS legislative and regulatory proposals involving collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII);
  • Provides privacy policy and programmatic oversight and supports implementation across USCIS;
  • Evaluates USCIS programs, systems and operations to identify privacy sensitivities; recommends mitigation strategies to reduce potential privacy impacts; and provides guidance and global assistance to USCIS program offices and directorates in meeting such requirements;
  • Operates a USCIS-wide Privacy Incident Response Program to ensure that incidents involving PII are properly reported, investigated and mitigated;
  • Responds to and addresses complaints of privacy violations;
  • Provides privacy training, education and outreach;
  • Provides advice and technical assistance to leadership and management to ensure privacy protections are implemented throughout USCIS programs, systems, processes and operations; and
  • Ensures USCIS’ adherence to federal, regulatory, statutory, departmental and component privacy requirements, mandates, directives and policy.

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