NRMC Initiatives

Through a far-reaching partnership effort with the critical infrastructure community, the NRMC incorporated sector expertise and risk analysis to understand the National Critical Functions (NCFs) at the highest risk of an attack or threat, and implemented initiatives to manage risk to these vital critical functions.

 Fifth Generation (5G)

5G is the next generation of wireless technology which transforms U.S. telecommunication networks and empowers critical services.

 Election Security

Fair and free elections are a hallmark of American democracy—an electoral process that is both secure and resilient is a vital national interest.


An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack or a geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) can affect large areas. Mitigating EMP/GMD effects secures our Nation and economy.

 ICT Supply Chain Risk Management

U.S. critical infrastructure relies on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for daily operations. Securing ICT supply chains is integral for the functionality of our Nation.

 National Critical Functions

The National Critical Functions (NCFs) are the functions of government and the private sector that are vital to national security, economy, and public health or safety.

 Pipeline Cybersecurity

2..7 million miles of pipelines transport commodities across the Nation. Enhancing the cybersecurity for pipeline infrastructure ensures our economic and national well-being.

 Positioning Navigation & Timing

Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) is necessary for the functioning of the Nation’s critical infrastructure such as power grids and communication networks.


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Last Updated Date: January 15, 2021

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