• Full Title: Rural Health Care Universal Service Support Mechanism; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism
  • Document Type(s): Order
  • Bureau(s): Wireline Competition

FCC waives the gift rules applicable to the RHC and E-Rate programs to assist rural health care providers and schools and libraries affected by COVID-19

  • DA/FCC #: DA-20-290
  • Docket/RM: 02-6, 02-60
  • FCC Record Citation: 35 FCC Rcd 2741 (4)

FCC Record: DA-20-290A1_Rcd.pdf

Related Document(s):
News Release - FCC Acts to Support Telehealth & Remote Learning During Coronavirus


Document Dates

  • Released On: Mar 18, 2020
  • Adopted On: Mar 18, 2020
  • Issued On: Mar 18, 2020