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    National Business Emergency Operations Center

    Inside look at FEMA's National Reponse Coordination Center

    The National Business Emergency Operations Center (NBEOC) is FEMA's virtual clearing house to enhance information sharing between private industry partners and public agencies — including FEMA — before, during, and after disasters.

    When there is an active disaster response, NBEOC members have unique lines of communication into FEMA's National Response Coordination Center, activated Regional Response Coordination Centers, and the broader network of emergency management operations, including state and federal partners.

    The NBEOC allows members to share knowledge from the field impacting operating status and recovery challenges. It also provides data to help with business continuity decisions, and provides integration into disaster planning, training and exercises.

    Download the NBEOC Fact Sheet

    Who Can Join

    Any multi-state private sector organizations may volunteer to take part in the NBEOC. This includes large businesses, chambers of commerce, trade associations, universities, think-tanks and non-profits.

    How to Register

    We invite those wishing to join the NBEOC to register by sending an email to NBEOC@max.gov with the subject line “NBEOC Service Desk Access” and the following information:

    Benefits of Membership

    NBEOC Dashboard: A web-based portal that provides real-time information including the latest incident updates, situation-targeted preparedness messaging, response and recovery resources, and appropriate government points of contact.

    NBEOC Service Desk: The service desk provides a single customer portal so NBEOC members can communicate, track information meeting requests and submit offers of support.

    Business Preparedness: Ready Business provides tools and resources for businesses to prepare in advance for disaster.

    Training: The NBEOC training page provides an overview of emergency management training opportunities available at the Emergency Management Institute, Center for Domestic Preparedness and the National Training and Education Division.

    Other Ways to Get Involved

    Doing Business with FEMA

    Learn how your company or organization can bid on a contract with FEMA.

    Sending Donations After a Disaster

    Make the most of your organization's contributions by following these guidelines for volunteering and donating responsibly.