Democrats' union fixation harms workers

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There are as many versions of the American Dream as there are Americans willing to dream them. As such, our labor laws should empower the nation's workers to chart their own course to prosperity, not bind them into restrictive, one-size-fits-all arrangements which reduce their options and limit their potential. Unfortunately, Washington Democrats are fixated on dragging us back to an outdated mode...

Radical proposals will skyrocket health care costs and hamstring private sector innovation

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Washington Times At a time when prices for everything continue to surge, the last thing Americans need is to break the bank when receiving the health care and medications they need. Sadly, this isn’t a new issue. Americans have long been demanding answers as to why health care costs and drug prices...

China needs tough action from US

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Statesboro Herald By: Rep. Rick Allen With the Beijing Winter Olympics underway, you may notice that there is no official U.S. government delegation. This is intentional, and sends a message that America will not tolerate China’s history of human rights abuses. Even our U.S. Olympic athletes are being surveilled while in Beijing. Our athletes deserve to enjoy this experience that they’ve spent the...

Celebrating our district's diverse and successful schools

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Tags: Education

Augusta Chronicle As a father of four and grandfather of 14, it’s such a joy to watch children develop their personalities, with their own unique skills and interests. I know firsthand that what works best for one child may not work for another. That is why parental ...

Rep. Allen reviews his year in Congress

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The Augusta Press Serving Georgia’s 12th District is one of the greatest honors of my life. This year, my office has been busy working for you, whether it’s solving issues with federal agencies, championing legislation to benefit our communities, or holding the Biden Administration accountable. First, I want to take a moment t...

Allen: Answers, accountability in Afghanistan withdrawal wanted on 9/11 anniversary

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Augusta Chronicle Twenty years ago, on September 11, 2001, evil breached our shores when terrorists hijacked four planes and carried out suicide attacks against our nation. We will never forget the passengers aboard these fatal flights and those who ...

Keep up the fight against critical race theory and election fraud

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Washington Examiner We are in a fight for the future of this nation, but thanks to the millions across the country who are speaking up and refusing to let this land of freedom and opportunity turn into a socialist nation, I’m feeling incredibly optimistic. To parents who are worried ...

Legislative lifeline for children’s mental health needs

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The Washington Times While we are well on our way to the COVID-19 pandemic being in our rearview mirror, the social restrictions and school closures over the past year have shined a light on another crisis – the mental health of our nation’s youth. That is why we must ensure that schools are fully open this fall. Research has shown that school closures reduced interactions ...

Democrats’ Abuse Power to Push Partisan Agenda

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The Augusta Press Democrat leadership must believe that the American People have short memories. Just months ago, the Biden-Harris Administration called for unity and promised to work on healing a nation that is undoubtedly divided politically. But the actions of the past three months tell a very different story. During...

The PRO Act is a huge blow to American workers’ freedom and privacy

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Augusta Chronicle March 29, 2021 Prior to serving in Congress, I spent 37 years building and operating a small business, so I know firsthand how federal policies impact employers and employees. I’m excited to continue utilizing my business experience as the Republican leader on the House Education and Labor Committee’s Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Subcommitt...

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