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Front view of the Capitol

Back the Blue

Rural law enforcement officers serve as our courageous thin blue line, often without backup. They are the heroes that run towards danger while others run away. Our men and women in law enforcement work tirelessly every day to protect our communities and have my full and unwavering support.

As Democrats seek to defund the police, I’m working to fund the police and ensure that they have the resources they need to protect our communities, accomplish their mission, and get home safely. I will not let rural Colorado law enforcement officers get left behind by career politicians in D.C. My MORE PILT Act ensures that rural law enforcement, search and rescue, and firefighting operations are supported by the federal lands they help protect. In legislation signed into law, I successfully secured $515 million for the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program to provide critical resources for rural law enforcement.

The skyrocketing crime rate that plagues our great American cities is being fueled by the Left’s calls to defund our police. Democrat-run Minneapolis, Seattle, New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Washington D.C. have all cut funding for law enforcement, and the results speak for themselves, with shootings, homicides, and other violent crimes on the rise.

When federal bureaucracy threatened to impose excessive fees on law enforcement communications towers, I stood up for public safety agencies. When the Biden administration promised to give criminal aliens $450,000 while firing Border Patrol agents at the same time, I introduced legislation and successfully pressured the Biden administration to scrap their plan. When the Biden administration invited the UN to study systemic racism within American police departments, I stood in strong opposition.

In short, I back the blue, and I will never apologize for it. I reject policies that seek to deprive the American people of their safety and liberty. I reject the myth that all police are racist. Now more than ever, they deserve and need our support. The people of rural Colorado want more good and effective policing, not less.