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Border Security

Boebert and Border Patrol

Build the wall! A government's first responsibility is to protect its people. President Trump put the American people first by building a wall on the southern border, and I introduced the Secure the Southern Border Act to restart construction on the wall, restore the remain in Mexico policy, and end catch and release.

Our southern border is in chaos because of the Biden Administration and the Left’s radical open-borders agenda. Drugs continue to flow into the country that are literally killing our kids. Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death of Americans aged 18-45 years old. Last fiscal year, more than 11,000 pounds of fentanyl was seized by Customs and Border Patrol, which is enough to kill five billion people. Sadly, more than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2021.

By November, it is estimated that over 7 million illegal aliens will have crossed the border since Biden took office. I’ve been to the border three times. I’ve seen the humanitarian devastation and national security catastrophe the Biden Border Crisis has caused. This cannot continue. 

I oppose policies that incentivize illegal immigration and provide amnesty. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, so I champion policies that seek to reform our broken immigration system and support immigrants who come here the legal way.

The reason that so many people desire to immigrate to the United States is because we are a nation of laws established upon a strong Constitution that protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to pursue the American Dream. Without the rule of law, America will become just like other countries where so many immigrants have fled from violence, communism, and persecution.

We need to remove loopholes in our immigration laws that encourage people to come here illegally. These loopholes support an evil empire of human trafficking where nearly one-third of young women illegally traveling to our southern border are sexually assaulted and 70 percent of all illegal immigrants are victims of violence. I have seen firsthand the devastation that human trafficking causes, and we have a duty to completely secure the border and stop incentivizing human trafficking.

The Biden administration recently announced they were ending Title 42—a policy that prevents illegal aliens with communicable diseases like COVID from entering the country. According to Border Patrol, this was one of the few remaining policies which enabled agents to refuse entry to illegal aliens trying to cross our southern border. Republicans and Democrats in both the House and Senate have said the administration should keep this health and border security measure in place. The disastrous decision to rescind Title 42 will only make Biden’s Border Crisis worse. I led a Special Order on the House Floor with my colleagues in the House Freedom Caucus demanding that the Biden administration keep Title 42 in place.

We need to build the wall, secure our border, enforce our immigration laws, and send a strong message that if you want to come to the U.S., you must do so legally. The crisis at the border needs real solutions, not amnesty or phony “root cause” initiatives like Kamala the Border Czar has recommended. That is why I introduced the No Amnesty Act and the Secure the Southern Border Act to restore President Trump's effective border security policies and terminate Biden’s open-borders agenda.

Democrats have been treating illegal aliens like guests on the Oprah Winfrey show. You get free education, a free plane ticket, free medical care, free housing, free food, and now even a free lawyer to help you avoid the consequences of breaking the law. The American people are tired of America last policies where they are being put behind illegal immigrants and footing the bill for freebies. I’ve had enough, so I introduced the No Taxpayer Funded Lawyers for Illegal Aliens Act to ensure that no taxpayer money is rewarded to illegal aliens who broke our laws entering the country.

I’ve talked to Border Patrol agents standing post on the front line, and I stand with them. When the Biden administration promised to give criminal aliens $450,000 while firing Border Patrol agents, I introduced legislation and successfully pressured the Biden administration to scrap this terrible plan. 

I introduced an appropriations amendment to prohibit funds from being used for sanctuary cities.  I filed a different appropriations amendment that prevented funds from being used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to grant illegal aliens VA benefits.

Because of my work to secure the border, I am 1 of only 6 Members of Congress out of 435 to receive a perfect score 100% score from NumbersUSA.

Our nation has always welcomed—and will continue to welcome—newcomers who embrace our values, assimilate into our society, pledge allegiance to our flag, and strive for the American dream. By supporting law and order in our immigration system, I am committed to ensuring we protect homeland and the interests of the American people.