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Constitutional Issues

I believe in more freedom and less government. The Founding Fathers understood this, which is why they were careful to create a limited government that left the majority of the power to the states and to the people through the Tenth Amendment.

The Constitution is the greatest governing document in history, and I support an originalist interpretation of the text. The Founders included the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances to protect against tyranny. Unfortunately, presidents and agency officials within the executive branch have continually overreached and enacted unconstitutional mandates not approved by Congress. I am taking action to rein in this bloated bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, Congress has not effectively used its power of the purse and has instead lazily passed bloated massive trillion-dollar omnibus spending bills that no one reads, which has fueled massive inflation. Legislating crisis to crisis is not what the founding fathers had in mind. I took action to put America back on track by introducing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

I am defending against the Democrats’ unrelenting attacks on the Supreme Court and the rule of law. I cosponsored a constitutional amendment to prevent partisan politics and ensure the number of Supreme Court seats remains at nine.

I am also a fearless defender of religious liberty as it is enshrined in this First Amendment. I cosponsored the Protect Religion from Government Act, important legislation that protects Americans’ First Amendment rights.

I am not afraid to fight back. When the CDC usurped power from Congress and instituted an illegal transportation mask mandate, I sued them to defend the constitutional separation of powers.

I filed an amicus brief defending the Second Amendment before the Supreme Court in the case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen.For the last century, New York’s mandates have banned Americans from carrying a firearm outside of their home unless a public safety bureaucrat determines they have “proper cause.” I searched the Second Amendment, but I couldn’t find the phrase “proper cause,” all I saw was “shall not be infringed.”

I recently signed a letter to Biden urging him to uphold Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Guarantee Clause, which requires the President to protect states from the invasion which we are currently experiencing at our southern border.

I also signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of the men and women in our Armed Service to prevent them from being dishonorably discharged and forcing them to forfeit their pensions for objecting to COVID vaccine mandates.

I cosponsored the Defending Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights Act to prohibit the VA from transferring veterans’ information to NICS solely because they have received a disability rating for a mental illness.

I joined over 100 Members in protecting the Second Amendment and urging Biden not to rejoin the unconstitutional United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

Because of my work on the Second Amendment, I received an “A” rating from both Gun Owners of America and the National Rifle Association.

No matter how good a policy might sound on paper, if it goes against the Constitution, I will not support it. I will work tirelessly to get our Nation back to its constitutional roots. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and I will continue to do just that.