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Front view of the Capitol

Getting Things Done


Some of the important local victories I have secured for the Third District include:

  1. secured 9 important appropriations victories for Colorado that were signed into law. 
  2. I led the successful bipartisan effort to keep the western headquarters of the Bureau of Land Management and 36 good-paying jobs in Grand Junction to give rural Coloradans a voice in land-use decisions and save taxpayers millions of dollars. 
  3. I helped lead the charge to defeat the misguided proposal put forth by Renewable Water Resources to steal seven billion gallons of water per year and dry up 22,667 irrigated acres in perpetuity in the San Luis Valley and pipe the water to the Denver suburbs. The Third Congressional District has fought similar proposals for decades as someone is always trying to steal our water and send it to the Front Range. 
  4. I secured $48 million in legislation signed into law for the U.S. Forest Service to actively manage our forests and address high-priority invasive species and pests like the bark beetle infestations ravaging Colorado and creating deadly wildfire hazards.
  5. When I-70 was shut down for 16.5 days following a catastrophic mudslide, I was one of the first elected officials to visit the scene and led Colorado’s bipartisan congressional delegation in securing more than $11.6 million to reopen and repair I-70.
  6. delivered a victory for the San Luis Valley by getting its new weather radar integrated with the National Weather Service’s system. After a year of bureaucratic delays, I stepped in and got the job done. This improved data will help water districts and farmers manage drought, assist first responders in reacting to emergencies, and give rural communities more resources and information.
  7. fought against a land grab that would have locked up 760,000 acres in my District and successfully got it removed from the National Defense Authorization Act that was signed into law.
  8. stood up for rural healthcare and helped Delta Health secure Sole Community Hospital Provider Status. This designation will help stabilize drug prices, allow Delta Health to remain independent, and secure more healthcare infrastructure for the community.
  9. My commonsense amendment to actively manage our forests and protect energy infrastructure, like powerlines, from wildfires passed the House Committee on Natural Resources with unanimous, bipartisan support.
  10. stood with our farmers and ranchers and secured $1 million in legislation signed into law for the Wolf Livestock Loss Demonstration Program to compensate farmers and ranchers whose livestock are killed by wolves reintroduced by government programs.
  11. delivered resources to rural communities and secured $515 million in legislation signed into law for the Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program which compensates local governments for the tax revenue they lose as a result of expansive federal lands in their jurisdictions. Over 90% of federal lands are in the Western United States and more than 55% of Colorado’s Third Congressional District is federal land. All 29 counties in my District benefit from the PILT Program, and the funding I secured will help support rural law enforcement, firefighters, schools, infrastructure, wildfire prevention efforts, and other important local priorities.
  12. In a legislative provision signed into law, I secured $10 million for the Indian Irrigation Fund to address the deferred maintenance backlog and increase water storage projects like the Southern Utes’ Pine River Indian Irrigation Project.
  13.  I also secured important federal resources into law for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Colorado’s space program, including $2.6 billion for the NASA Space Launch System, $1.4 billion for the Orion Multi‐Purpose Crew Vehicle, and $590 million for Exploration Ground Systems. Colorado’s aerospace economy is second only to California and accounts for nearly 200,000 jobs.  
  14. I delivered a win for farmers and ranchers by providing regulatory relief from overreaching regulations targeting livestock haulers through a legislative rider signed into law.
  15. My legislative provision prohibiting listing the greater sage-grouse as an endangered species was signed into law. This will protect 173 million acres of land from being locked up from energy production, critical mineral production, grazing rights, and other multiple-use activities.


Some important national victories I have secured include:

  1. When the Biden administration announced a new Disinformation Governance Board to censor conservatives and silence free speech, I introduced legislation and led the successful effort that resulted in new Truth Czar Nina Jankowicz resigning and this unconstitutional board being abolished.
  2. I put America first by introducing a bill and leading a successful pressure campaign that resulted in the Biden administration dropping its plan to give illegal immigrants separated at the border $450,000 checks while simultaneously firing Border Patrol agents.
  3. I filed an amicus brief defending the Second Amendment in the Supreme Court case of New York Pistol and Rifle Association v. Bruen. The Court ultimately agreed and struck down unconstitutional may-issue concealed carry licensing regimes.
  4. When the Biden administration canceled important services for our veterans visiting their national memorials, I helped secure an important victory that resulted in Honor Flight services resuming for our nation's heroes.
  5. I secured $1.74 billion in a legislative provision signed into law for Community Health Centers that provide medical care to rural communities.
  6. I stood for the Second Amendment and got red flag laws, provisions to draft our daughters, and other woke provisions removed from the National Defense Authorization Act. My changes to the bill were ultimately signed into law.
  7. I worked to get important pro-life protections including the Hyde and Weldon amendments signed into law. They will prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding abortions and protect doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers from being forced to provide abortions against their consciences. 
  8. Legislation I cosponsored to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the 13 men and women in uniform killed in Afghanistan was signed into law.
  9. Defeated H.R. 1443 when it was brought up under suspension of the rules on the House floor. The Family Research Council commended me for my efforts stating, “Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) and Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) are to be commended for successfully blocking two dangerous yet largely overlooked bills on the floor of the House of Representatives last night…Thankfully, some Republicans -- like Reps. Boebert and Rosendale -- refuse to waver on social issues...Boebert understands that no one will be attracted to politicians who abandon their principles in the face of opposition, and they should not be. Though Boebert was cut off when she stood up to oppose H.R. 1443, her bold actions will be remembered by the many conservatives across America who want to see their leaders take a courageous stand."


I-70 closes far too frequently, and Colorado needs a backup plan. I introduced the I-70 Detour Act to alleviate the burden of I-70 shutdowns on communities surrounding the I-70 corridor and to ensure commerce for the West Slope doesn't come to a screeching halt every time I-70 shuts down. Specifically, my bill requires the Secretary of Transportation to identify and prioritize funding for identifying repairs and alternative routes to I-70 in order to reduce traffic, increase safety, and improve rural Colorado’s resilience.

I supported Glenwood Springs in its grant application for the South Bridge project. This project would establish a new bridge connection that will provide a critical second access point between State Highway 82 and the western side of the Roaring Fork River in the south corridor of Glenwood Springs. It would create much-needed redundancy in transit infrastructure in the region, and would significantly improve emergency evacuation capacity, emergency service access, and local land use access.  

I am always actively searching for local infrastructure projects to support. I wrote a letter of support for the San Luis Central Railroad Company’s Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) competitive grant application to support farmers and ranchers in the Valley.

I supported first responders including those in Montezuma County by fighting back against the U.S. Forest Service's proposed regulations to charge users of emergency communication transponders exorbitant fees for no justifiable reason. 

I also supported the San Luis Valley Regional Airport’s selection of Denver Air Connection to provide air service to Alamosa. Access to adequate, timely, and reliable air service in and out of the 6-county region is crucial. If successful, this effort will provide an economic boom for the region.

I put rural Colorado first, and I introduced the MORE PILT Act to provide accurate and additional resources to support rural law enforcement, search and rescue operations, wildfire fighting, and quality education.

I also am working to combat western drought by securing funding to remove invasive noxious weeds, salt cedars, and Russian olives that waste water. Salt cedars can consume as much as 200 gallons of water per day per plant. 

I cosponsored the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins Recovery Act, bipartisan legislation that passed the House and provides Endangered Species Act compliance for approximately 2,200 water projects while helping recover endangered fish.

Since day one, my office has been busy helping constituents who aren’t getting answers from federal agencies, like veterans seeking to get the care they earned from the VA, travelers that need expedited assistance to receive a passport on short notice, taxpayers being harassed by the IRS, and senior citizens having issues with the Social Security Administration or Medicare. My office has worked on over 1,600 cases and returned over $1,420,760.81 to constituents. If you are having trouble with a federal agency, please reach out and my office will be happy to help you.

Additionally, I know Colorado’s Third District is huge—trust me, I’ve been everywhere—and driving long distances is challenging for many folks. That’s why my office has been hosting mobile office hours in locations across the District. My office has hosted over 130 mobile office hours in every county in Colorado's Third District. If you need help with a federal agency or want to express your view on a legislative matter, please come out to one of our mobile office hours and my staff will be happy to assist.

It is the greatest honor of my life to be the Representative for rural Colorado. I encourage you to stay directly engaged with the work I am doing by signing up for updates HERE.

I am here to fight for Colorado’s Third Congressional District, and I fight to win. 


The Minority Leader appointed me to the Future of American Freedoms Task Force to plan policies and initiatives that conservatives will take once we retake the House. I have been putting forth substantive conservative policy since I took office.  

  • Introduced over 30 bills and resolutions and co-sponsored over 300 pieces of legislation.
  • Introduced the World Health Organization Accountability Act to defund the WHO, investigate the origins of COVID-19, and ensure America holds both the WHO and China accountable.
  • Introduced the Active Forest Management, Wildfire Prevention, and Community Protection Act, the most comprehensive forest management bill in decades, to prevent wildfires, invest in rural economies, remove beetle-killed trees that serve as kindling, and protect the environment. 
  • Introduced the Western Water Security Act to protect private property rights, prevent federal water grabs, and help ensure an abundant supply of clean water for future generations.
  • Introduced the Secure the Southern Border Act to end “Catch and Release”, finish building the wall, defund sanctuary cities, restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and secure the border.
  • Introduced the No Amnesty Act to nullify and defund Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty executive actions.
  • Introduced the Protecting American Energy Jobs Act to repeal Biden's job-killing executive mandates, ensure reliable and affordable energy supplies, and foster economic growth and job creation in rural communities. 
  • Introduced the Paris Agreement Constitutional Treaty Act to prohibit Congress from spending funds on the Paris Agreement until the Senate ratifies it.
  • Introduced the 30 x 30 Termination Act to protect ranching, grazing, and multiple-use and block this radical land grab initiative.
  • Introduced the America’s Infrastructure Modernization Act to fund actual infrastructure like roads and bridges without increasing taxes or wasting money on the left’s Green New Deal spending spree.
  • Introduced the Stop AOC Act to prohibit the use of future federal funds for AOC’s new COVID funeral grant program.
  • Introduced legislation to designate Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.
  • Cosponsored the Protecting Financial Privacy Act to prevent the IRS from snooping on Americans’ bank accounts. 
  • Cosponsored the Afghanistan Accountability Act to ensure accountability for Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  • Cosponsored the Medical Freedom in the Military Act to prohibit disciplinary action against a member of the Armed Forces for not receiving a COVID vaccination.
  • Cosponsored the Beat China Act to incentivize companies to combat the supply chain crisis.
  • Cosponsored the Championing Our Parents Act which prohibits federal funds from being used to target and call parents concerned about education “domestic terrorists.”
  • Cosponsored the Defending Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights Act to prohibit the VA from transferring veterans’ information to the NICS solely because they have received a disability rating for a mental illness.
  • Joined over 100 Members in protecting the Second Amendment and urging Biden not to rejoin the unconstitutional United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
  • Cosponsored the Antitrust Enforcement Venue Act of 2021 to help state attorney generals take on Big Tech.
  • Cosponsored legislation to prohibit federal funding for the Biden administration’s program that flies illegal immigrants from three Central American countries to the U.S. to prevent them from making the so-called "dangerous journey by land."
  • Cosponsored legislation to prevent the return of the 2015 WOTUS rule, a land and water grab that sought to assert Clean Water Act and federal jurisdiction over areas with the slightest connection to water resources.
  • Cosponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act to ensure federal funds aren’t paying for abortions.
  • Cosponsored the Defund Planned Parenthood Act to prohibit Planned Parenthood from accessing federal funds to perform abortions.
  • Cosponsored the Life at Conception Act to protect the unborn.
  • Led the charge to reform Congress by reinstating the ban on corrupt practices like earmarks that waste taxpayer dollars.


During this fiscal year’s appropriations process, I utilized every available avenue to deliver on our priorities. I authored and introduced 106 appropriations amendments—more than any other Member of Congress—to fight for the Third District and the American people. Some of the highlights include:


  1. Prohibited funding institutions of higher education that teach Critical Race Theory. 
  2. Prohibited federal funds for gain of function research in China.
  3. Prohibited funds from being used to implement vaccine passports.
  4. Prohibited funds from being used for vaccine lotteries.
  5. Prohibited funds from being used for the salaries or expenses of any federal employee going door to door to encourage Americans to get vaccinated.
  6. Prohibited funds from being used for sanctuary cities.
  7. Prohibited funds from being used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to grant illegal aliens VA benefits.
  8. Prohibited funds from being made available for any program, project, or activity that is a congressional earmark.
  9. Prohibited funding to alight the White House with rainbow lighting or fly the rainbow flag.
  10. Prohibited funds from being used to fund any activity by the President promoting Obamacare. 
  11. Prohibited funds from being used to carry out a ban on the importation of assault weapons.
  12. Prohibited funds from being used to contribute to the Green Climate Fund.
  13. Cut funds for an incentivization program for red flag and gun licensing laws.
  14. Prohibited funds for the Department of Veterans Affairs for gender transition surgeries.
  15. Prohibited funds from being used to compensate any employee who received an immunity agreement in exchange for testimony regarding eco-terrorism tree spiking.
  16. Prohibited funds for carrying out the EPA’s Endangerment Finding regulations.  
  17. Prohibited banks from sharing personal customer information with federal agencies without probable cause or a warrant.
  18. Prohibited funds for carrying out the 30 x 30 landgrab program.  
  19. Cut spending by $416,897,000 to prevent IRS bureaucrats from spying on your bank account.
  20. Prohibited funds from being used to establish a National Center on Anti-racism and Health Equity.


  1. Redirected $1 million from Department of Energy bureaucrats to the Corps of Engineers’ Investigations Budget to help combat drought in the West.
  2. Transferred $3 million from Department of Energy bureaucrats to the Corps of Engineers’ Construction Budget to help combat drought in the West.   
  3. Redirected $1 million from Department of Energy bureaucrats to the Colorado River Storage Project to help combat drought in the West.
  4. Transferred $3 million from waste to the Wildland Fire Management account to help prevent catastrophic fires.
  5. Redirected $3 million to police body cameras from DOJ bureaucracy.
  6. Transferred $1 million from VA bureaucracy to suicide prevention and mental health services for veterans.
  7. Redirected $1 million to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals from VA bureaucracy to reduce its backlog and process veterans’ claims more quickly.
  8. Transferred $2 million from waste to reduce the veterans’ disability claims backlog.
  9. Redirected $1 million from VA bureaucracy to VA IT systems to assist with reducing the veterans’ disability claims backlog.
  10. Transferred $2 million from the Bureau of Land Management bureaucracy to the Wildland Fire Management account to prevent catastrophic wildfires.
  11. Redirected $1 million from Forest Service bureaucracy to the National Forest System account to prevent catastrophic wildfires.
  12. Prohibited funds from being used to move the Bureau of Land Management Headquarters in Grand Junction back to Washington, D.C.
  13. Transferred $2 million from HUD bureaucracy to assist homeless Native American veterans.
  14. Redirected $2 million from HUD bureaucrats to the Inspector General to meet the budget request in order to hold federal bureaucrats accountable.
  15. Transferred $2 million from federal bureaucrats to the Holocaust Memorial Museum account.
  16. Redirected $2 million from federal bureaucrats to prevent the spread of noxious weeds.   
  17. Transferred funds in the bill to increase funding for Rural Health Community Facilities.
  18. Redirected $2 million from climate change modeling to the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children.
  19. Prohibited funds from being used for bonuses for passport employees or senior passport employees until the passport backlog is relieved.
  20. Withheld funding to the WHO until the Secretary of State can certify that the WHO has conducted a transparent investigation into the origins of COVID–19.


  • Due to red tape and staffing issues at the VA—including no one answering the phones—a Silver Star veteran had gone 14 months waiting for an authorization for care. Within days of opening the case, the veteran’s condition turned into an emergency. We were able to escalate the case through the VA-VISN, and stayed in contact with the veteran over the weekend so he could get immediate help.
  • Farmers raised complaints that the USDA was declining their crop loss insurance claims due to "failure to irrigate" during a drought. My district staff contacted the agency and worked to have the issue resolved so that farmers' claims could be paid.
  • A couple traveling overseas was separated due to the husband testing positive for COVID. The wife contacted my office for help since her husband was detained at a quarantine facility with unsafe and unsanitary conditions. My office worked with the Department of State to convey emergency instructions to the embassy and help get the husband out of this dangerous situation. 
  • A Grand Junction small business' EIDL loan was denied by the Small Business Administration (SBA) without justification. My office contacted the SBA to get them to re-look at the case and reverse their decision and grant the EIDL loan and save the small business from going under.
  • A provider for bi-monthly veterans’ PTSD group counseling had been a repeat no-show for a year and attendance dwindled as fellow veterans struggled to counsel one another.  We drew attention to the problem which is now corrected.
  • A veteran walked into my office in extreme distress with tens of thousands in unpaid medical bills for life-saving emergency medical care that the VA was supposed to cover. He was being harassed by bill collectors and reported the VA denied coverage because he didn’t seek care at his local hospital. The rural hospital didn’t have the needed expertise and doctors from both Albuquerque and Denver were involved in the case which created confusion on paper. We contacted the VA to put the pieces together for justification of coverage, and the veteran’s bills were paid.
  • I was contacted by a veteran who had been previously denied a claim for an increase in benefits and filed multiple appeals as his chronic condition had quickly been deteriorating his quality of life. At this time the veteran was very close to losing his home as he could not work or perform daily tasks. We were able to get the veteran in contact with the Loan Guarantee Department at the VA to assist with the veteran’s mortgage while we waited for a new medical appointment to document the deterioration of the veteran’s medical condition and the determination from those findings. Within a few months, we were able to help facilitate the increase of monthly benefits well over the expected amount as well as more than doubling the amount of back pay the veteran was expected to receive. 
  • I was contacted by a veteran who was not receiving his retirement or benefits almost a year after retiring from the Navy. We inquired with the Department of the Navy and were able to get his retirement services approved and enrolled in benefits while ensuring the veteran received back pay for the year that he did not receive his retirement pay.
  • I was contacted by the daughter of a Korean War Veteran that had recently passed away and due to the lack of paperwork, the family was unable to hold a funeral service with military honors and reached out to our office to get his service records to place a plaque on his headstone so he could receive the honor he deserved.  Due to the closures of the National Personnel Records Center due to COVID-19, this request was backlogged as no paper records were being retrieved. After almost a full year, we were able to obtain the veteran’s service records for the family to ensure this Korean War Veteran will be honored.
  • A veteran’s family contacted me regarding the VA’s very slow reaction to their doctor’s request for the veteran’s immediate open-heart surgery.  We got the veteran into surgery in three days. The doctor and family indicated the veteran could have died had they waited longer for surgery.
  • A widow contacted me and was very concerned that she would not receive any funds to assist her with living expenses. She had applied to the VA for benefits but had not heard anything for three months.  Within a month after contacting my office she had received the paperwork and funds.
  • A widow contacted me as she was to receive lump sum spousal benefits and had waited fourth months and not heard anything from the VA.  Within a month of contacting me, she received the lump sum payment.