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As a resident of rural Colorado, I understand the unique challenges that our District faces accessing quality healthcare. We need to eliminate red tape and useless bureaucracy that is standing between you and your doctor. I support healthcare reforms that encourage marketplace competition, expand access to health savings accounts, increase patient choices, safeguard individuals with pre-existing conditions, further telehealth, and that include rural America.

I secured $1.74 billion to invest in Community Health Centers that provide medical care to rural communities. Community Health Centers save the health care system $24 billion annually since they cost less than one-sixth of an average visit to an emergency room. In Colorado’s Third Congressional District, we have eight Community Health Centers, and my legislative provision signed into law will help provide better access to quality medical care, provide more jobs, and strengthen rural communities.

I am working to reduce healthcare costs for rural communities, including by lowering drug prices. For instance, I worked with bipartisan state and local officials to help Delta Health secure Sole Community Hospital Provider Status from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This designation will help stabilize drug prices, allow Delta Health to remain independent, and secure more healthcare infrastructure for the community.

Healthcare decisions should be between a patient and their doctor, which is why I have fought tooth and nail against Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Additionally, I filed a lawsuit against the Center for Disease and Control (CDC) to end their unconstitutional mask mandate on airplanes. Thankfully, a federal judge agreed with us, ruling the CDC’s mask mandate unconstitutional. I will continue to stand for freedom and will look at ways to hold the CDC accountable for its illegal actions.

Additionally, I introduced H.R. 374, the World Health Organization Accountability Act to hold the WHO and China accountable for their failures that contributed to the outbreak of COVID-19. It will totally defund the WHO and put America first in healthcare.

I am working to ensure that tax dollars don’t fund grotesque, pseudoscientific procedures falsely labeled “healthcare.” I am strongly pro-life and pro-family. I sent a congressional inquiry holding the Biden regime accountable for using Colorado as a testcase for requiring tax dollars to fund sex change surgeries for minors. Sex change surgeries render a person sterile for life, and taxpayer dollars should not be used to permanently maim confused children. Children should never be used as pawns to advance radical gender ideology. Using taxpayer dollars to fund sex changes and sterilization surgeries is one of the most reprehensible, disgusting, extreme, and grotesque policies I’ve ever seen. Permanently altering and disabling the physical bodies of children is never ok—and it is especially deplorable when done to gain cheap political points with the radical left.

Additionally, I introduced the Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act to prohibit tax dollars from funding Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Health’s studies on sex change, sterilization, chemical castration, and puberty-blocking procedures for minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Using psychologically vulnerable children as lab rats for life-altering sterilization procedures and genital mutilation is wrong, and it should be illegal.

I sponsored an appropriations amendment that transferred $1 million from VA bureaucracy to suicide prevention and mental health services for veterans. I led another appropriations amendment that redirected wasteful spending in the bill in order to increase funding for Rural Health Community Facilities.

I cosponsored the Telehealth Expansion Act, legislation that would make a waiver permanent in the CARES Act that allows for increased coverage and expansion of telehealth. I also cosponsored the Veterans Access to Direct Primary Care Act, legislation that gives veterans the option to receive primary care services from a non-VA health care provider under a direct primary care service arrangement through the use of a veteran health savings account.

I will keep working for responsible healthcare policy that respects the dignity of individuals, supports rural communities, decreases healthcare costs, and restores free market competition to the healthcare industry.