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Second Amendment

When I was sworn into Congress, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States—including the Second Amendment. The Founders understood that the right to keep and bear arms is necessary to the security of a free state, so they drafted the Bill of Rights to ensure that the government did not mess with our sacred liberties.

Despite the clarity of the Second Amendment, leftists continue to try and trample on our enumerated rights. The Second Amendment is not open for debate, and I oppose the continuous, sustained, and unceasing attacks on our Constitution. When the government limits an individual's ability to lawfully purchase or carry firearms, it effectively disarms law-abiding citizens while allowing criminals to act unchecked.

As the co-chair of the Second Amendment Caucus, I directly fight to keep our freedoms intact. I successfully led efforts opposing gun control activist and lobbyist David Chipman’s confirmation as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Additionally, I co-sponsored the No REGISTRY Rights Act to delete over one billion ATF records of firearms transactions and ensure that the ATF follows the law and ceases creating a federal firearms registry.

Rep. Kat Cammack (FL-03) and I wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner defending the right to keep and bear arms from the leftist measures in the so-called “Bi-Partisan Background Checks Act” and the “Enhanced Background Check Act".  I also spoke against both these bills on the House floor. 

I gave an impassioned speech on the House Floor calling out members of Congress who have taxpayer-funded 24/7 armed security but want to deny Americans the right to defend themselves.

I went to the Supreme Court to defend the Second Amendment. I joined 175 Members of Congress in an amicus brief defending the Second Amendment before the Supreme Court in the case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen. For the last century, New York’s mandates have banned Americans from carrying a firearm outside of their home unless a public safety bureaucrat determines they have “proper cause.” I searched the Second Amendment, but I couldn’t find the phrase “proper cause,” all I saw was “shall not be infringed.” If we win this case, the Supreme Court will overturn unconstitutional “may issue” gun control laws and allow 86 million Americans to finally have access to their Second Amendment rights in anti-gun states across the country.

When Democrats added red flag laws to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) targeting our men and women in uniform, I voted against red flag laws. I worked to amend the NDAA and add Second Amendment protections. Because of my work, the final version of the NDAA did not include red flag laws, and our men and women in uniform will still have the same Second Amendment rights as everyone else. Our men and women in uniform defend the Constitution, and I will always defend their constitutional rights. Americans who fought for freedom deserve to be free!

I cosponsored the Defending Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights Act to prohibit the VA from transferring veterans’ information to NICS solely because they have received a disability rating for a mental illness. I joined over 100 Members in protecting the Second Amendment and urging Biden not to rejoin the unconstitutional United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

I joined my friend, Congressman Michael Cloud, in introducing the No REGISTRY Rights Act. Even though a federal firearms registry is prohibited by law, today, the ATF has records of nearly 1 billion firearm transactions. Like many law-abiding gun owners, I don’t trust the Biden regime or the federal government with this information. This bill ensures these records are deleted, restores privacy, and defends the Second Amendment.

I introduced amendments to government funding bills to defund red flag laws, gun control programs targeting law-abiding citizens, and gun buyback programs. I cosponsored the SAFER Voter Act to lower the legal gun-purchasing age to 18—the age people can be drafted and serve in the military. Additionally, I cosponsored the Protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act to prohibit imposing gun control measures under the guise of a national emergency.

I strongly defended the Second Amendment of our Constitution and opposed an unconstitutional stunt from House Democrats in the form of a Committee rule change that would ban firearms in the Committee hearing and conference rooms.

I will always guard the sacred text of our Constitution, and I oppose gun grabs, mandatory gun buy backs, the creation of a national firearm registry, the criminalization of common transfers of firearms between family members and neighbors, and any other policies the radical left pursues to attack the Second Amendment. I vote against gun control bills that threaten our Second Amendment rights, and I will remain a strong defender of the Constitution. I am keeping my promise to defend the Second Amendment and upholding my oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

As a result of my work on the Second Amendment, I earned an "A" rating with both Gun Owners of America and the National Rifle Association.