Capitol Hill Challenge (CHC) matches Members of Congress with students, teachers, and schools competing in The Stock Market Gameā„¢ in their respective district or state. Student teams manage a hypothetical $100,000 online portfolio and invest in real stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

CHC partners up to 10 junior high or high school teams (3-5 students each) with your local Member of Congress (MOC). Students may only participate on ONE team. Your school must be located in the MOC's district with matching zip code. There is no charge for the CHC teams. However, only two schools per MOC can participate, with priority consideration given to public schools.

The Stock Market Challenge typically takes place in the spring. The top 10 CHC teams will win a trip to Washington, D.C. to meet their Member of Congress and be recognized at an awards reception on Capitol Hill. During their visit, students and teachers will meet with business, government, and education leaders to learn about fiscal policy making, the role of the capital markets, and global economic trends. The winners will also have the opportunity to tour financial landmarks and national monuments.

To learn more about the challenge, or if you have questions, contact Derek Pillie and, or call our Fort Wayne office at (260) 702-4750.

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