Daily Caller: Joe Biden’s State Of Disunion

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President Joe Biden’s inauguration was just 13 months ago, and he is already a failed president. Biden’s main campaign pitch was that he would “govern as an American president” and unify the country. It seems he forgot his own words. Biden first broke his unity promise in Congress. He championed a so-called infrastructure bill that was a trojan horse for Democratic social spending and Green New De...

Wall Street Journal: Liz Cheney and the See-No-Hypocrisy Democrats

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Rep. Liz Cheney’s defense of the Jan. 6 Select Committee leaves readers with a fundamental misimpression about the committee and its work (“The Jan. 6 Committee Won’t Be Intimidated,” op-ed, Feb. 11). The committee is anything but a fair and neutral finder of fact. Because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the unprecedented step of rejecting Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s chosen slate of Republica...

Newsweek: A Better Path Forward for Handling Iran

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The following op-ed appeared on Newsweek on November, 22,2021. After months of buying time to further advance its nuclear program, Iran announced this month that it will return to nuclear negotiations by December. The White House's meek response—enjoining Tehran to conduct diplomacy "in good faith"—at best reflects the triumph of misplaced hope over hard-won experience, and at worst a descent into...

FoxNews.com: Joe Biden and Democrats create crises on purpose because they despise you and the way you live

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The following op-ed appeared at FoxNews.com on November 19, 2021. The economic pain you're currently feeling isn't an accident. It's on purpose. Democrats have made deliberate policy decisions to get us where we are today. So it’s wrong to suggest the multiple crises facing our country—the border crisis, energy crisis and inflation crisis—are a result of the Biden administration’s mistakes or inco...

The Hill: Why we will oppose spending bills that repeal or weaken the Hyde Amendment

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The following article appeared at thehill.com on February 3, 2021. On Tuesday, I led a group of 200 House Republicans in a pledge to oppose any legislation that weakens or removes the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of taxpayer’s funds for abortions. Since it first passed Congress in 1976 on an overwhelming 312-93 veto proof vote, the Hyde Amendment has been one of the few policies that unite b...

FoxNews.com: GOP is only party to tackle our national debt – Dems don't have the guts to try

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The following article appeared at FoxNews.com on December 8, 2020. By no measure has the Republican Party been successful at eliminating the national debt. But we’re the only party in Washington with the political guts to try. With Democrats, it’s a foregone conclusion that they’ve given up. Yes, Republicans and Democrats have both contributed to the problem of our national debt and deficit. But n...

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette: Make teachers priority for vaccine

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The following op-ed appeared in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette on December 6, 2020. Thanks to the success of President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed, a vaccine is on the way. Now it's time for Indiana to start planning how best to distribute it. On Nov. 20, Pfizer requested emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for its candidate coronavirus vaccine. On Nov. 30, Mo...

The American Mind: The Riot Party Comes for the Court

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The following op-ed appeared at the American Mind on September 24, 2020. We now have a Supreme Court vacancy, and President Trump and Senate Republicans are moving to fill it before the 117th Congress begins. According to the White House, we’ll learn the nominee’s name Saturday. But whomever is chosen, we know they will apply the law and interpret the Constitution as written. The Left is apoplecti...

National Review: Congress Must Act Now to Counter Chinese Propaganda in the U.S.

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The following op-ed appeared on September 18 at National Review. In March, as we learned of COVID-19’s lethality and the global community’s inability to contain it, more and more leaders expressed outrage at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Where did the virus come from? How long had the CCP known about it? Could China have contained it earlier? Why didn’t the Chinese government follow internati...

Washington Examiner: Anonymous sources aside, Trump's record on the military is solid

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The following op-ed appeared at the Washington Examiner on September 10, 2020. Actions speak louder than anonymous sources. Pictures and quotes can be fabricated or taken out of context. What’s much harder to spin are actual policies. And if you look at President Trump’s record on the military, there’s only one conclusion: He holds the military in the highest regard. As a veteran of the Navy who h...

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