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Economy & Jobs

As a third-generation business owner, I know firsthand that small businesses are the backbone of our nation’s economy and the livelihood of so many hardworking Long Islanders. That's why I'm especially proud to serve on the House Small Business Committee.

The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been especially difficult for Long Island small businesses. Now, record inflation, labor shortages, supply chain shortages, and a historical energy crisis are serving as major roadblocks to revitalization. The state of small business in America is in crisis and we need pro-growth policies and less red tape to reinvigorate our economy.

I am also a member of the GOP Jobs and Economy Task Force dedicated to reducing over regulation, lessening small business tax burdens, and getting government out of the way of recovery. America’s small businesses must be allowed to reopen, and I am dedicated to delivering real results for small businesses back home on Main Street.

Here’s how I am working to fight for small businesses:


For more information concerning work and views related to Economy, please contact my office.