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College students may apply for an internship position at either the Washington, D.C. Office or the Illinois District Office. Exceptional high school students are also encouraged to apply to the District Office.

Washington, D.C.

Internships in the Washington, D.C. Office operate in the fall, spring, and summer semesters for college students.

Students in the Washington, D.C. office gain invaluable experience in congressional affairs, communications, and the legislative process. Interns will conduct research spanning a variety of policy areas for the Member and legislative staff and will assist with communications projects as needed. Interns may also attend briefings or hearings related to current legislative issues or personal policy interests.

Students interested in an internship with the Washington, D.C. Office should e-mail a cover letter, resume, and writing sample to: Hector Arias (

Illinois District Office

Internships in the Illinois District Office are offered in the fall, spring, and summer and are open to both exceptional high school students and college students. These positions are paid.

Students in the Illinois District Office gain important real-world experience in constituent affairs, including district outreach, district communications, and constituent casework. Interns may write letters, field constituent calls, work on local casework, and support the Member at public events, amongst other administrative duties.

Applicants interested in an internship with the Illinois District Office should e-mail a cover letter and resume to: Jasmine Moore (