In The News

May 21, 2021 In The News

Congressman Matt Gaetz, along with Members Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Andy Biggs, issued a press release this week asking the Department of Justice to uphold the rule of law and allow the Arizona State Senate to continue their audit into the 2020 presidential election last November.

May 21, 2021 In The News

May 17 (UPI) -- Republicans in Congress expressed outrage over the firing of a U.S. Space Force commander whose new book suggests a Marxist agenda in the U.S. military.

May 21, 2021 In The News

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is leading a coalition along with Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Tayor Greene (R-GA) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) demanding that the ongoing election audit in Arizona must be protected from federal interference.

May 21, 2021 In The News

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz joined Monday with fellow GOP House members Marjorie Taylor Green, Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs in calling on the Justice Department of to affirm its commitment to election integrity in Arizona.

May 11, 2021 In The News

Rep. Matt Gaetz might be fighting firestorms in the national news and in Congress over a federal investigation into stories about his sexual history, but outrage over the allegations is not landing with voters in his home district, according to a poll commissioned by his campaign.

May 11, 2021 In The News

Just ahead of the launch of the “America First Tour” hosted by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., the congressman issued a press release on Friday criticizing his colleague Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., for her devotion to the military industrial complex rather than the American people.

May 11, 2021 In The News

I’m not much for retreats. It often feels like the Republican Party in Congress is in a constant state of retreat. I prefer advances, like those urgently needed on immigration and Big Tech monopoly busting.

May 11, 2021 In The News

The weaponization and politicization of the Department of Justice began during the Obama administration and continues to target "fighters" and supporters of former President Donald Trump, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said Wednesday in an interview on Newsmax TV.

May 11, 2021 In The News

Should every federal agency be on surveillance duty? What if the mailman is the one looking through the peephole?

The United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) dates back to 1772, when Benjamin Franklin created the position of "Surveyor" to audit postal accounts and investigate mail theft.

May 4, 2021 In The News

Embattled U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz returned to national radio Monday for the first time in a while.
