Chair Castor Leads Bicameral Letter Urging FERC to Strengthen Transmission Rule

Aug 18, 2022
Press Release

WASHINGTON (August 18, 2022) – On Thursday, Chair Kathy Castor of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis led a bicameral letter urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to strengthen its proposed rule on transmission planning and cost allocation by requiring transmission providers to ensure that transmission plans incorporate a minimum set of benefits. The letter also supports proactive planning for transmission over a multi-decade planning horizon, and urges additional, expeditious action on interconnection queue reform and inter-regional transmission planning.

The letter was signed by Representatives Kathy Castor, Bobby L. Rush, Paul Tonko, Sean Casten, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Jared Huffman, Veronica Escobar, and Julia Brownley; and Senators Edward J. Markey, Tina Smith and Sheldon Whitehouse.

The full text of the letter is available here.

117th Congress