Chairman Quigley Floor Remarks on Six-Bill Appropriations Minibus

2022-07-19 14:39

Financial Services and General Government Chairman Mike Quigley (D-IL-05) delivered the following remarks on the House Floor in support of H.R. 8294, a minibus of six fiscal year 2023 appropriations bills:

As Chairman of the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee, I rise today in strong support of the FY23 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill.

First, I would like to thank staff on both sides for their efforts in drafting this bill and preparing it to come to the House floor.

I want to thank my colleague, Mr. Womack, for his hard work and collaboration on this bill.

The FSGG bill includes $29.8 billion in funding, an increase of $4.3 billion over last year.

For Treasury the bill includes $15.6 billion, $1.3 billion above last year. Within that level, $336 million for CDFIs, an increase of $41 million. The IRS gets $13.6 billion, an increase of $1.0 billion above the FY 2022 enacted level.

For ONDCP, $462 million, including $300 million for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program and $110 million for the Drug-Free Communities Program.

For the Judiciary, $8.6 billion, within this amount, $128 million is targeted for judiciary security, cybersecurity, and information technology modernization. For the Supreme Court, $143 million, $30 million above last year, included in this increase is funding to provide for enhanced security services.

For CPSC, $166.3 million, $27.3 million above last year, including $2.5 million for Pool Safety grants.

$400 million for Election Security Grants, an increase of $325 million above last year. These grants will help state and local governments protect our democracy through fair and secure elections.

For GSA, $1.1 billion over last year including $500 million for a new FBI Headquarters. Also included, $100 million for both the Electric Vehicle Fund and the Technology Modernization Fund.

For SBA, $1.1 billion, $77 million above last year. This funding includes $326 million for the Entrepreneurial Development Programs.

We have solid increases for the Federal Communications Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, OPM, the Archives, and the Federal Trade Commission.

The bill is silent on the civilian pay raise, allowing the proposed 4.6 percent increase to take effect. 

We removed several harmful riders to the bill, including the Hyde restrictions, three “dark money” riders, and the D.C. cannabis rider.

We include language making Dreamers eligible for Federal employment.

Finally, I’m proud that this bill was able to include 98% of members community project funding requests, including from Democrats and Republicans.

This funding will go directly to important projects in members districts connected with the SBA, GSA, and National Archives.

I urge you to support the bill and yield back the balance of my time.

117th Congress