Chair Lofgren Statement on Unionization Efforts for Congressional Staff

May 10, 2022
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Committee on House Administration Chairperson Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) issued the following statement on the House resolution to recognize Congressional workers’ right to collectively bargain and unionize:

“One of the first votes I cast as a Member of the House – late on my very first day in that Congress – was to pass the Congressional Accountability Act.  As someone who grew up in a union family, as a former congressional staffer, and as a longtime advocate of workers’ rights and protections, I was proud to cast that vote. However, Congress failed to follow through on an important part of the law that would provide legislative branch staff with the option to organize, if they choose.  Today, I’m proud to cast my vote for Congress to follow through on that promise.  I am thankful for the tireless advocacy on behalf of Congressional staff by my colleague Representative Levin, the members of the Congressional Workers Union for their courage, and Speaker Pelosi for her leadership as we act to support those who make our work on behalf of the American people possible.”

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Congress Number: 
117th Congress