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Huizenga Statement on Grocery Costs Hitting a 43 Year High

Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) released the following statement after the Department of Labor announced the year over year cost of groceries increased by a stunning 13.5% - the largest increase in more than four decades.

“Families across Michigan are suffering because of fiscal malpractice in Washington,” said Congressman Bill Huizenga. “While time and again Democrats have falsely claimed inflation would be transitory, today’s stunning 13.5% price increase in groceries is the largest increase in 43 years. Under Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, Americans are paying more at the grocery store and getting less.  With the price of eggs up 39%, potatoes up 15%, frozen foods up 18.4%, milk up 16.9%, and coffee up 17.5%, Democrats should end their reckless spending spree that is fueling the inflationary fire and focus on providing real relief to families, farmers, and small businesses being suffocated by soaring costs. Congress should pass the Inflation Prevention Act before Washington makes going to the grocery store even more expensive.”

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