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an oil rig

Achieving energy independence should be a top national security and economic priority for the United States, and South Carolina's Third Congressional District is poised to help lead the way.

Since becoming a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, I have received a vast amount of feedback from constituents on a number of energy related issues. I support free market proposals that implement an all of the above energy strategy for the future. Achieving energy independence should be a top national security and economic priority for the United States not only because we have the resources to do so, but because it would benefit our economy through job creation. I strongly believe the Third Congressional District is poised to help lead the way.

Partnerships between businesses and universities in the third district are helping our country end its dependence on foreign oil. I support the research and missions at Savannah River Site and Clemson University that bring our country closer to real energy independence and offers our region of the state the prospect of more jobs and new industries.

I believe one of the first steps we can take to achieve independence is to begin opening access to resources. The majority of our water is off limits. We are one of the only countries refusing to utilize our own natural resources for energy, whether it be renewable energy sources or fossil fuels.

I am also a strong advocate for nuclear energy. In South Carolina, nuclear power is responsible for generating nearly 57 percent of our electricity. That is well above the national average of 20 percent. Nuclear energy is a critical part of our energy matrix, providing large amounts of carbon free electricity, which is imperative for the U.S. to make our internationally agreed upon emissions targets. Nuclear energy also generates well-paid jobs and protects our national security. However, naturally as we produce nuclear energy, we produce nuclear waste. I have utilized my position on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to be instrumental in passing H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act which allows for the establishment of a permanent geologic repository for nuclear waste. This is important for South Carolina because just in my district alone, there is estimated to be about 4,500 of spent nuclear fuel in temporary storage from commercial reactors, which is ready to be shipped to a permanent repository at Yucca Mountain.

H.R. 1 and Energy Independence: I am particularly happy that the new tax reform legislation is also a major step towards establishing energy independence for our nation, opening up land in Alaska for energy exploration and production. Promoting American energy creates American jobs, I and will continue to use my position on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to encourage this narrative.

For more information concerning my work and views on the issue of Energy, please contact my Washington, DC office.

I look forward to your feedback.

Thank you.

See also information on saving on gas and home energy expenses.