Federal Employees

The Fifth Congressional District is home to thousands of federal employees and retirees, both military and civilian. Congressman Hoyer is proud to represent them and has led the fight on issues important to public servants, including securing fair pay and benefits, with a strong focus on ensuring pay parity between military and civilian personnel. 

Congressman Hoyer has consistently opposed efforts to reduce the wages, benefits, and hours of federal employees in a misguided attempt by some to bring down our nation’s deficit on the backs of middle-class families.  Federal employees have already contributed more than $182 billion toward deficit reduction through freezes to cost-of-living-adjustments and changes to retirement benefits.

Throughout his career, Congressman Hoyer has also advocated for quality health care coverage, a solid retirement system, and fair working conditions for federal employees in Maryland and throughout the country.

NEWSLETTER: Protecting Federal Workers & the Civil Service

Last week, I proudly spoke on the House Floor in support of three bills that would help strengthen government accountability and protect America’s nonpartisan and hardworking civil servants. I am honored to represent thousands of federal employees, and was glad to bring these bills to the Floor to reaffirm Democrats’ commitment to safeguarding our civilian workforce.

Hoyer Floor Remarks on Oversight and Reform Legislation to Strengthen Government Accountability, Protect Civilian Workforce

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) delivered remarks on the House Floor this afternoon in support of legislation from the House Oversight and Reform Committee including H.R. 302, the Preventing a Patronage System Act, H.R. 2988, the Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act, and H.R. 8326, the Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery and a link to the video:

Hoyer Remarks at NARFE Maryland Federal 2022 Mini-Conference

“Thank you for inviting me to join you today. I’m always glad to be here with NARFE leaders from across our state who represent our hard-working and talented federal employees. In years past, when Republicans controlled the Congress or when the former President was in office, these meetings would often focus on how to fight back against attacks on federal workers and protect their pay and benefits.

Maryland Delegation Confronts IRS Commissioner on Backlogs During Virtual Meeting

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) joined Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and Congressmen Dutch Ruppersberger (MD-02), John Sarbanes (MD-03), Kweisi Mfume (MD-07) and David Trone (MD-06) for a meeting with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Charles Rettig. The meeting served as a follow up to letters from Team Maryland, as well as other Senate and House members, over the last few months, as they continue to prioritize ensuring the IRS is more responsive to the requests of Marylanders, many of whom have been caught in the massive backlog currently facing the agency that has been spread thin over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the 2021 tax season ends in less than two weeks on April 18, millions of returns remain unprocessed from the 2020 tax-filing season.

Hoyer, Cardin, Van Hollen, Brown, Hogan, and Alsobrooks Applaud the Inclusion of Language Providing for the New FBI Headquarters in President Biden’s 2023 Budget

Today, Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05), Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Congressman Anthony Brown (MD-04), Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks released the following statement after the President unveiled his budget for the Fiscal Year 2023, which includes language to ensure the FBI will have a new, consolidated suburban headquarters that will house 7,500 employees.

Hoyer, Cardin, Van Hollen, Brown Announce Major Step Forward for New, Consolidated FBI Headquarters in Omnibus FY 2022 Funding Package

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05), Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and Congressman Anthony Brown (MD-04) secured the inclusion of language to advance the process for a new, consolidated Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters in the Omnibus FY2022 funding package that the President signed into law today.

Hoyer Applauds President Biden’s Proposed Federal Pay Raise

Today, Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) released the following statement today following reports that President Biden will propose a 4.6 percent increase to federal employee and military service member pay in his upcoming budget: