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Jurisdiction includes: Electronic communications, both Interstate and foreign, including voice, video, audio, broadband, and data, whether transmitted by wire or wirelessly, and whether transmitted by telecommunications, commercial or private mobile service, broadcast, cable, satellite, microwave, or other mode; technology generally; spectrum and federal and commercial spectrum management; emer

Jurisdiction includes: Interstate and foreign commerce, including all trade matters within the jurisdiction of the full committee; regulation of commercial practices, including sports-related matters; consumer affairs and consumer protection; consumer privacy and  data security; cybersecurity; consumer product safety; product liability; motor vehicle safety; regulation of travel, tourism, and t

Jurisdiction includes: National energy policy; fossil energy; renewable energy; nuclear energy; nuclear facilities; the Department of Energy; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;synthetic and alternative fuels; energy conservation; energy information; energy security; utility issues; interstate energy compacts; energy generation, marketing, reliability, t

Jurisdiction includes: The Clean Air Act and air emissions; all matters related to soil, air, and water contamination, including Superfund and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; the regulation of solid, hazardous, and nuclear wastes, including mining, nuclear, oil, gas, and coal combustion waste; emergency environmental response and Superfund (including Community Right To Know); indust

Jurisdiction includes: Public health and quarantine, including emergency preparedness and response; hospital construction; mental health; health disparities; biomedical research and development; health information technology (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology), privacy and cybersecurity; public health insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insura

Jurisdiction includes: Responsibility for oversight of agencies, departments, and programs related to the jurisdiction of the full committee, and for conducting investigations.