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Constituent Services

Hello, and welcome to my online office. I want to serve my constituents in any way I can, whether you need help with a federal agency, are visiting D.C., are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your project, or are considering applying to a service academy. I hope all the information in this section will be helpful. Please don't hesitate to contact my office at (616) 570-0917  if you have further questions.

Help with a Federal Agency

Help with a Federal Agency

I can help you get answers from any federal agency, whether it's the Department of Education or Veterans' Affairs. Read More »
Flag Requests

Flag Requests

You can purchase a U.S. flag through our office. You can also request flags that have been flown over the Capitol building. Read More »
Art Competition Submissions

Art Competition Submissions

All high school-aged students may submit artwork for a chance to have it hung in the U.S. Capitol. Read More »
Federal Job Postings

Federal Job Postings

Click here for links to job opportunities at the federal agencies Read More »
Visiting Washington, DC

Visiting Washington, DC

Tourism tips and links to various highlights of our nation's Capitol. Read More »


College students can apply for an internship in my Grandville or D.C. office. Internships are available in the spring, summer, and fall semesters and provide students the opportunity to gain valuable insight and experience regarding the legislative process. Read More »
Presidential Greetings

Presidential Greetings

My office can help you obtain a greeting from the White House for a special event or other milestone. Read More »
Service Academy Nominations

Service Academy Nominations

I can help nominate 2nd District students to the United States Service Academies. Earn your undergraduate education and training to become a commissioned officer for the U.S. Armed Forces, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Merchant Marines Read More »
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