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Boebert Ag
Liberal Washington, D.C. and Denver policies don’t work for rural Colorado farmers. I will continue to work tirelessly to protect the interests of our farmers and ranchers and ensure they are able to thrive off Colorado’s soil. I am defending farmers and ranchers as they face ever-increasing difficulties from the radical left encroaching on their livelihoods, including by reintroducing wolves, seizing water rights, and trampling on property rights.

Rep. Boebert Meets with Law Enforcement
Rural law enforcement officers serve as our courageous thin blue line, often without backup. They are the heroes that run towards danger while others run away. Our men and women in law enforcement work tirelessly every day to protect our communities and have my full and unwavering support. As Democrats seek to defund the police, I’m working to fund the police and ensure that they have the resources they need to protect our communities, accomplish their mission, and get home safely.

Border Patrol
Build the wall! A government's first responsibility is to protect its people. President Trump put the American people first by building a wall on the southern border, and I introduced the Secure the Southern Border Act to restart construction on the wall, restore the remain in Mexico policy, and end catch and release. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, so I champion policies that seek to reform our broken immigration system and support immigrants who come here the legal way.

More freedom, less government. I will work tirelessly to get our nation back to its constitutional roots. The Constitution is the greatest governing document in history, and I support an originalist interpretation of the text. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and I will continue to do just that by defending the freedom of speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, due process, and all of our God-given rights.

Supporting the Military
Our men and women in uniform represent the best of America, so they deserve the best that America has to offer. I support continuing President Trump's America First policies that gave our armed forces the tools they need to uphold their oath to support and defend the Constitution safely and effectively. My support for the members of our military does not end when their service is complete. We owe our veterans a debt of gratitude that we can never repay. Colorado is home to one of the largest veteran populations in the Nation—many of whom reside in rural areas, and I will always take steps to ensure our Nation's veterans and their families are treated fairly.

Draining the Swamp
I was elected to office because the American people are tired of the D.C. way. I brought my work boots because I am here to drain the swamp. I am working to rein in the federal bureaucracy by cutting unnecessary programs, holding the Biden administration accountable, and defending liberty from encroaching federal programs. I successfully led the charge to stop the Disinformation Governance Board, and I will keep fighting against other federal agencies that threaten our freedom.

Economic strength and job growth result from policies that build up Americans and provide them endless opportunities to succeed. After years of crushing shutdowns, shortages, inflation, and failed Democrat policies, our economy needs to get back on its feet. The best economic stimulus is a job, and the best drivers of success are small businesses. I support reducing burdensome government regulations, cutting government spending causing inflation, and getting America back to work.

Family Photo
As a mom raising four kids, I understand the needs of families across this country who are desperate to have their concerns about education heard. We want our kids to learn math and science, not gender studies and woke ideology. Critical race theory and radical transgender ideology have no place in our schools. Additionally, I am working to ensure that our rural Colorado schools have solid academic resources like school-to-career programs and consistent and fair funding. I am a strong advocate of school choice because a student's academic success should not be a function of their zip code. Colorado’s students are our future, and I am working hard for them.

Election Security
I stand for free and fair elections that are secure, lawful, and constitutional. As the leader of the free world, America needs to have free and fair elections. Americans have the right to demand transparency and accountability in their electoral system. I support voter ID laws, signature verification checks, free and fair access for election observers, the right to vote in person, and efforts to ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls. When it comes to our elections, all Americans should unite around one simple goal: let’s make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

Boebert Nat Resources
Responsible land stewardship and freedom make up the foundation of rural Colorado, and I will work to protect our lands, waters, jobs, and natural resources from federal overreach. American strength starts with American energy dominance. I support an all-of-the-above energy strategy that utilizes all domestic energy sources including hydropower, nuclear, coal, solar, oil, wind, natural gas, geothermal, and other renewables. Our region demonstrates that conservation and economic development are not mutually exclusive goals, and I support policies that are environmentally and economically responsible and allow access to America’s public lands.

American Flag
President Trump's America First policies worked and helped restore our Nation. We must hold other nations accountable for meeting their funding commitments and establish that the days of the United States footing the bill for everything are over. I oppose sending unlimited taxpayer money overseas while we face our own challenges domestically. In order to succeed in the international realm, we need an America First policy that projects economic, military, and moral strength to our adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Additionally, I believe that strong energy policy corresponds with strong foreign policy. If the tragedy and chaos of the Biden regime has taught us anything, it is that the world is safer when America is strong.

Press Conference
I have already delivered many legislative victories for rural Colorado, including through legislative provisions signed into law. Read about the wins I secured for the District that the media won't tell you about, including, efforts combatting western drought, resources to make rural healthcare more accessible and affordable, efforts to prevent wildfires, provisions protecting American energy, efforts to protect water rights, successful efforts to secure the border, a successful push to stop the Disinformation Governance Board, and more!

Soper and Boebert
As a resident of rural Colorado, I understand the unique challenges that our District faces accessing quality healthcare. We need to eliminate red tape and useless bureaucracy that is standing between you and your doctor. I support healthcare reforms that encourage marketplace competition, expand access to health savings accounts, increase patient choices, safeguard individuals with pre-existing conditions, further telehealth, and that include rural America. Healthcare decisions should be between a patient and their doctor, which is why I have fought tooth and nail against Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. I will keep working for responsible healthcare policy that respects the dignity of individuals, supports rural communities, decreases healthcare costs, and restores free market competition to the healthcare industry.

Boebert Infrastructure
Living in rural Colorado, I know the unique infrastructure challenges our communities face. I have your back in Congress, and I am working hard to deliver tangible victories for the District. I have introduced three bills to provide more infrastructure funding for rural communities without increasing federal spending, debt, or taxes. Additionally, I have supported many local infrastructure projects, including securing emergency funding to reopen I-70 following catastrophic mudslides. I am working on real infrastructure solutions without all the partisan pork!

Meeting with Constituents
Serving the people of Colorado’s Third Congressional District is the greatest honor of my life. If you are having issues with a federal agency or want your voice to be heard, please come to one of our mobile office hours, and a member of my team will be happy to assist you. Staff from my office will be available to help constituents who aren’t getting answers from federal agencies, like veterans seeking to get the care they earned from the VA, travelers that need expedited assistance to receive a passport on short notice, taxpayers being harassed by the IRS, and senior citizens having issues with the Social Security Administration or Medicare. Additionally, constituents are invited to come to the office hours to express their viewpoints on legislative issues or request special Congressional Commendations from the Congresswoman recognizing outstanding public achievements. My office has worked on over 1,500 cases for Coloradans and returned over $720,000 to the people of Colorado’s Third Congressional District. 

As a mother of four children, I believe that human life begins at conception, and I will always defend the right to life. Every human being has inherent value and dignity regardless of their stage of development, ability, age, gender, or race. As a member of the Budget Committee, I back the Hyde Amendment in all appropriations bills, and I was proud that my appropriations request for prohibiting tax dollars from funding abortions was signed into law. Additionally, I have introduced multiple legislative provisions to ensure that tax dollars do not fund sex-change surgeries for minors and to protect our kids from radical gender ideology.

Representative Lauren Boebert
When I was sworn into Congress, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States—including the Second Amendment. As the co-chair of the Second Amendment Caucus, I directly fight to keep our freedoms intact. I even went to the Supreme Court to protect the Second Amendment by filing a brief arguing against liberal policies restricting the right to keep and bear arms. I will always guard the sacred text of our Constitution, and I oppose gun grabs, mandatory gun buybacks, the creation of a national firearm registry, the criminalization of common transfers of firearms between family members and neighbors, and any other policies the radical left pursues to attack the Second Amendment.

Meeker Wrestlers
Living in rural Colorado, I understand the unique challenges that our communities face. With sparse populations, large swaths of tax-exempt federal land, a lack of infrastructure, and limited employment opportunities, we often get left behind by Congress and get the short end of the stick. I work hard every day to make sure you are represented well and have a voice. Some of the important efforts I have taken on behalf of the Third District include: keeping the western headquarters of the Bureau of Land Management in Grand Junction, securing resources for rural healthcare, supporting active forest management to prevent wildfires, securing resources for farmers and ranchers, combatting western drought, defeating land grabs, securing funding for infrastructure, and so much more!

Americans deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money without the government forcing them to pay into a system that has failed them. I have used my position on the Budget Committee to fight wasteful spending and prevent things from just being rubber-stamped through Congress. Every dollar spent should be debated, and it is time for Congress to get back to work and exercise the power of the purse. We need to balance the budget, significantly reduce our national debt, and restore fiscal responsibility to protect the American dream for future generations.

Boebert and Pueblo Dam
When people ask what my top three issues are, I say water, water, water. I support increased water storage like the Wolf Creek Reservoir expansion and worthwhile delivery projects that will supply clean water in dry times. I cosponsored legislation and led an effort to prevent the return of Obama’s 2015 WOTUS rule, a land and water grab that sought to assert Clean Water Act and federal jurisdiction over areas with the slightest connection to water.  Additionally, I am working to secure private water rights with my Western Water Security Act. Rural Colorado depends on water, and I am a tireless advocate for policies that steward our water well and help farmers and ranchers.