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LDN: Huizenga, Moolenaar seek to convert closing North Lake Correctional Facility into detention center

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U.S. Representatives Bill Huizenga and John Moolenaar are appealing to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, asking that the North Lake Correctional Facility in Baldwin be converted into an ICE detention center following news that the prison would be closing this fall. In a letter to Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson, as well as U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of Homeland Securi...

Huizenga on Fox Business: Democrats Do Not Understand that Spending is the Problem

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Last night, Congressman Huizenga appeared on Fox Business to discuss Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi's out of control spending and how it is driving inflation. During the interview Rep. Huizenga also discussed soaring gas prices and the need to unleash American energy production. The full interview with Fox Business Tonight is available by clicking on the picture below.

Huizenga Discusses Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, Need for American Energy Development on Fox News

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On Thursday, Congressman Bill Huizenga appeared on Fox and Friends First to discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine. During the interview, Congressman Huizenga stressed the need for President Biden to open America's energy potential to lower prices here at home, counter Russia's energy leverage over Europe, and allow the U.S. to support our allies. You can watch Rep. Huizenga's full interview on Fox ...

Huizenga op-ed: Hire back troops discharged because of Biden's COVID-19 mandate

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Millions of Americans have had their lives impacted by President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Whether you drive a truck, work in health care or serve in the armed forces, your job may have been threatened by the Biden administration. This coercive approach puts Washington in charge of making very personal health decisions. The message from the Biden Administration was very clear: If you ...

Huizenga Talks Inflation, President Biden's Failed Agenda on Fox Business

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Last night, Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) joined “Fox Business Tonight” to discuss the latest actions by the Federal Reserve to combat inflation and how President Biden’s failed economic policies are raising costs on families in Michigan and across America. You can watch the Congressman's full interview by clicking the photo below. On Inflation and The Federal Reserve Raising Interest Rates Tha...

Huizenga: 'It's not over,' citizens are still 'trapped' in Afghanistan

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A former Afghan interpreter now living in West Michigan is pleading for help in getting his fiancée out of Afghanistan, according to U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Zeeland). Huizenga says the man, who he refers to as “M” due to security reasons, is one of several people who have called his office asking for help getting family members out of the country now overtaken by the Taliban. “He was one of the...

WZZM: Huizenga Discusses Example of Those Left Behind in Afghanistan

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President Biden is promising America's fight against terrorism will not stop with the end of the war. He says it's moved to - what's called - "over-the-horizon" capabilities. They'll use drone strikes to target terrorists organizations without American boots on the ground. The Taliban has now taken over the country with millions of dollars worth of weapons and military hardware given to the Afgha...

WOOD Radio: Huizenga Discusses West Michigan Residents Trapped in Afghanistan

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This morning, Congressman Huizenga joined WOOD Radio's morning show to talk about the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Specifically, Rep. Huizenga discusses some of the calls he has received from West Michigan constituents trapped in Afghanistan as well as the President's decision to abandon Bagram air Base and how doing so was a tactical mistake. To listen to the full interview, click here...

WZZM: Huizenga talks Afghanistan Withdrawal, Need to Safely Evac Americans and our Afghan Allies

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Congressman Bill Huizenga was in a security briefing on Afghanistan Tuesday morning. He says there was widespread, bipartisan condemnation of the idea that the US could finish evacuations by Aug. 31. He says there are still countless people who need to get out, including Americans from right here in West Michigan. "I had two people yesterday who are constituents in the second district who had ema...

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