
Currently I serve on the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Veterans' Affairs Committees. Please read below about the responsibilities of this committees as well as the subcommittees I am a part of.


The Appropriations Committee is the body that writes the laws that direct federal funding. In the new Democratic majority, I am honored to have an extraordinary opportunity to advocate for south Floridians at the highest level of government advancing investments in health care, education, better infrastructure and global peace. 

The deadline for Appropriations related requests for the FY 2022 funding cycle is March 19th. Please submit your requests here. If you have questions, please call my office at (202) 225-9890 for assistance.

Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee

Issues and agencies include:

  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Defense-Civil; Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers-Civil
  • Department of the Interior; Bureau of Reclamation; Central Utah Project
  • Related Agencies
    • Appalachian Regional Commission 
    • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
    • Delta Regional Authority
    • Denali Commission 
    • Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
    • Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board 
    • Tennessee Valley Authority

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee

Issues and agencies include:

  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health and Human Services [except Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; Food and Drug Administration; Indian Health Services and Facilities; and National Institute of Environmental Sciences (formerly EPA/Superfund)]
  • Department of Labor
  • Related Agencies
    • Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled 
    • Corporation for National and Community Service 
    • Corporation for Public Broadcasting 
    • Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 
    • Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 
    • Institute of Museum and Library Services 
    • Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 
    • National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 
    • National Council on Disability 
    • National Education Goals Panel 
    • National Labor Relations Board 
    • National Mediation Board 
    • Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 
    • Railroad Retirement Board 
    • Social Security Administration

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee

Issues and agencies include:

  • Diplomacy and Development
    • Department of State
    • United States Agency for International Development
    • Peace Corps
    • Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • Export and Trade
    • Export-Import Bank
    • Overseas Private Investment Corporation
    • Trade and Development Agency
  • Department of the Treasury
    • International Affairs Technical Assistance
    • International Financial Institutions
  • Related Agencies and Programs
    • African Development Foundation
    • The Asia Foundation
    • Broadcasting Board of Governors
    • Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund
    • East-West Center
    • Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program
    • Inter-American Foundation
    • Israeli Arab Scholarship Program
    • National Endowment for Democracy
    • United States Institute of Peace
  • Commissions
    • Border Environment Cooperation Commission 
    • Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
    • Commission on International Religious Freedom 
    • Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
    • Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China
    • International Boundary Commission
    • International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
    • International Fisheries Commissions
    • International Joint Commission
    • United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission


The Committee has jurisdiction over veterans’ measures generally, including veterans’ hospitals, medical care, treatment compensation, vocational rehabilitation, and education, as well as over pensions of all the wars of the United States (general and special), the readjustment of servicemembers to civil life, and servicemembers’ civil relief. To ensure veterans receive these crucial services and benefits, the Committee is committed to its oversight role of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, including the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), and the National Cemetery Administration (NCA). The Committee also oversees life insurance issued by the Government on account of service in the Armed Forces as well as the cemeteries of the United States in which veterans of any war or conflict are or may be buried (whether in the United States or abroad, except cemeteries administered by the Secretary of the Interior).


  • Democratic Women's Caucus (Co-Chair)
  • Women, Peace, and Security Caucus (Co-Chair)
  • Congressional Progressive Caucus
  • Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease
  • Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence
  • Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism
  • Bipartisan Working Group to End Domestic Violence
  • Building Trades Caucus
  • Children's Health Care Caucus
  • Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus
  • Congressional Animal Protection Caucus
  • Congressional Arts Caucus
  • Congressional Boating Caucus
  • Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues 
  • Congressional Everglades Caucus
  • Congressional Fire Services Caucus
  • Congressional Hellenic Israel Alliance
  • Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus
  • Congressional Indonesia Caucus
  • Congressional LGBT Equality
  • Congressional Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus
  • Congressional Oral Health Caucus
  • Congressional Ports Caucus
  • Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus
  • Congressional STEAM Caucus
  • Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus
  • Congressional Wine Caucus
  • Democratic Israel Working Group
  • Florida Ports Caucus
  • Georgia Caucus
  • House General Aviation
  • House UK Caucus
  • International Conservation Caucus
  • Social Work Caucus
  • Taiwan caucus
  • Tunisia Caucus
  • US-Japan Caucus
  • Safe Climate Caucus
  • Congressional Baby Caucus
  • Congressional Dyslexia Caucus
  • Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth
  • Servicewomen and Women Veterans Congressional Caucus