Medicare & Social Security

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As a member of the Labor, Health and Human Services Subcommittee, Congresswoman Lois Frankel understands that Medicare and Social Security are two of the most successful social programs in our country's history, and that they help millions of seniors retire with dignity. Congresswoman Frankel is dedicated to ensuring these programs are preserved for not only current retirees, but for the next generation of seniors. She opposes any cut in benefits for the two programs.
Medicare: Medicare fraud and abuse cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year, threatening the security of the Medicare trust fund. In response, Frankel introduced the Fighting Medicare Fraud Act, which would close a loophole that corrupt CEOs and parent corporations have used to exploit Medicare. Frankel’s legislation adds tough new penalties for illegally stealing or distributing medical identification numbers. 
Social Security: Frankel helped to pass a proposal to eliminate Social Security numbers from Medicare ID Cards – one of the leading causes of medical identity theft. She supports applying payroll taxes to higher incomes over the current cap of $118,500 so that all Americans pay their fair share to support the sustainability of our Social Security program.
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