Rep. Allen details bill to boost America’s workforce, protect independent contractors

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Washington, D.C. – In case you missed it, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) this week published an Op-Ed outlining the two major political parties’ conflicting outlooks on workforce development. In the piece, Congressman Allen explains how Congressional Democrats’ insistence on forcing America’s workers into strict classifications and compelling union membership would severely constrain workers’ p...

Rep. Rick Allen announces September Community Office Hours

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AUGUSTA – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) announced his office will host Community Office Hours across Georgia’s 12th District during the month of September. During these events, members of Congressman Allen’s staff will be available to assist constituents with a variety of federal issues, including help navigating various federal agencies such as Social Security, Veterans Affairs, Medica...

Rep. Rick Allen statement on Democrats’ reconciliation bill

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 5376: “The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is another bloated Democrat spending bill that will raise taxes at the worst possible time – during a recession! Rather than address the economic crisis they created, President Biden and congressional Democrats are focused on pushing social...

Rep. Allen introduces bill to boost American entrepreneurship

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) introduced the Startup Act, legislation aimed at supporting entrepreneurship by expanding access to programs that provide training and resources to individuals seeking to create a business. Specifically, the Startup Act amends the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 by including language that incorporates entrepreneurial skills dev...

Rep. Rick Allen rejects Democrat bill to ban ‘assault weapons’

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2022: “This legislation is blatantly unconstitutional. It is an attack on our Second Amendment that seeks to outlaw the most common firearms used for self-defense, target shooting, and hunting by millions of law-abiding Americans. House Democrats kno...

Rep. Rick Allen Statement on U.S. Economy Entering a Recession

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) released the following statement after the Department of Commerce reported the U.S. economy shrank 0.9% during the second quarter: “The U.S. economy has officially entered a recession after a year and a half of Washington Democrats’ failed one-party rule. Instead of outlining a plan to respond to this economic decline, the White House spent the...

Rep. Rick Allen Statement on Semiconductor Bill

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 4346, a $280 billion measure comprised of government handouts and wasteful spending: “Originally intended as a bill to confront China, the latest version of this bill is a joke and does nothing of the sort. In the past several weeks, the price tag of this bill has ballooned to more than...

Rep. Rick Allen Offers Amendments to Cut Government Spending

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Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) spoke on the House Floor in defense of amendments he introduced to cut government spending by five percent in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Department of Interior and Environment, and Financial Services and General Government divisions of the Democrats’ ‘minibus’ spending package, H.R. 8294. His amendments were included in a broader pac...

Rep. Rick Allen Announces ‘Healthy Future Task Force’ Solutions to Make Health Care More Affordable

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) joined Healthy Future Task Force members in releasing solutions to lower the costs of health care and health insurance. “House Democrats continue to push a single-payer agenda that would reduce patient choice, decrease competition, and raise taxes and health care costs for American families and workers. My Republican colleagues and I remain com...

Rep. Rick Allen Votes to Raise Troops’ Pay, Boost National Defense Funding

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Washington – Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) voted to pass H.R. 7900, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023, which authorizes annual funding levels for the United States Armed Forces and sets expenditures for the Department of Defense (DOD). Included in the Fiscal Year 2023 NDAA is a 4.6 percent pay raise for active duty servicemembers, the largest increase in...

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