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Health Care

"The people of Louisiana deserve a health care system that works for them, and I am committed to expanding access to affordable, patient-centered coverage that allows all Americans to have the freedom and flexibility to choose health care that fits their unique needs."

America's health care system is broken. For too long, government interference has stifled innovation, restricted access to new treatments, and limited the free market. Overregulation has created an expensive and inflexible system that focuses more on bureaucracy and payment-processing than patients and doctors.

Americans deserve a health care system that works for them. We must give choice back to the American people, and allow them the freedom and flexibility to choose healthcare that fits their unique needs. As Congress works to expand affordable, patient-centered health insurance choices for all Americans, it is imperative that we also ensure access to coverage, regardless of age, income, pre-existing conditions, or circumstances, and encourage marketplace competition and the development of life-saving drugs, devices, and therapies.

Please know that I will support legislation that encourages marketplace competition so that every Louisianan has access to affordable health insurance options. It is also critical that we reduce unnecessary federal regulations on the health industry to encourage the development of life-saving devices and therapies. Additionally, we must always uphold our commitment to aging Americans by protecting Medicare.