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Congressional App Challenge

Congressional App Challenge logo

The Congressional App Challenge (CAC), an annual coding competition designed for students interested in pursuing a career in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, math, and computer science, has officially opened. 

Established in 2015 by the U.S. House of Representatives, students compete against their peers nationwide by creating software applications (also referred to as an “app”) for mobile, desktop, or other devices using coded language, such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or "block code.”

The CAC is open to all middle and high school students in Colorado’s Fourth Congressional District and students have the option of competing in teams or as individuals.

The winner from Colorado’s Fourth District, chosen by a panel of expert judges, will be featured on the Congressional App Challenge Website. Winning software applications will be displayed at the U.S. Capitol and winning students will be invited to a reception in Washington, D.C.

For complete details about the rules and requirements, please visit the official Congressional App Challenge website, email, or contact our Greely District Office at (970) 702-2136.