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Seniors and Social Security

Seniors have worked hard their entire lives and should be able to retire with dignity. While Republicans frequently discuss making deep cuts to Medicare and Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations, I have long championed policies to expand them. I support improving the Social Security Administration, increasing benefits by using a more accurate measure of seniors’ cost of living, and shoring up the long-term solvency of the program by scrapping the payroll tax cap to require the wealthy pay taxes like everyone else.

Social Security has stood the test of time, and for millions of seniors is the only thing left standing during their retirement years. With barely half of American workers receiving a retirement plan through their jobs, stagnating wages, and a slow economic recovery, many working families have been unable to save for retirement. We have a duty to uphold our promise to workers who have paid into the program their entire adult lives by ensuring that they receive every penny of their Social Security benefits. Maintaining a strong social security program is especially critical to millions of American women, who continue to face unjustified pay gaps.

More on Seniors and Social Security

November 4th, 2021
Sen. Wyden and Reps. Grijalva, Larson Reintroduce the Protection of Social Security Benefits Restoration Act
October 27th, 2020
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October 14th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Statement on SCOTUS Decision Allowing Trump Administration to End the Census Early
October 6th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Extended Voter Registration Deadline in Arizona
August 13th, 2020
Grijalva Responds to New GAO Report on Disability Wait Times: ?We Can Do Better: Let’s Pass the SSI Restoration Act Now’
January 22nd, 2020
Expand Social Security Caucus Chairs React to Trump’s Comments on Cutting Social Security
September 11th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva and Slotkin Introduce Bill to Update SSI Program for Seniors and People with Disabilities as Census Report Shows Stagnate Household Incomes
May 23rd, 2019
As Student Debt Hits Record Levels, Reps. Grijalva, Larson, and Fudge Introduce the Protection of Social Security Restoration Act to Stop Garnishments
September 27th, 2018
Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Pen Op-ed on Newest Round of GOP Tax Cuts for The Hill
February 23rd, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Named Finalist for First-Ever Democracy Award for Constituent Services