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Buck Votes Against NDAA

July 15, 2022

WASHINGTON—Representative Ken Buck (CO-04) issued the following statement after voting against the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023: 

“I am fully in favor of legislation that strengthens our military readiness and national security, but this bill is stuffed with harmful provisions that advance woke and Green New Deal policies at the expense of America’s military superiority.

Rather than including provisions that sustain our national security edge, this bill prioritizes Diversity and Inclusion classes over combat training, locks up 1.2 million acres in Colorado from energy development, and fails to appropriate funds to address the raging crisis at the southern border.

As the representative of thousands of military families, I cannot in good conscience vote for an NDAA that contains extraneous provisions antithetical to our national security. America and its service men and women deserve better.”
