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Diversity and Inclusion

Beatty on Diversity and Inclusion

I am proud to serve as the first-ever Chair of the Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion. As Chair, my goal is to bring diversity and inclusion to the forefront of the conversation on how to make the financial services industry and all industries work for every American. Diversity and inclusion must become part of the overall fabric of the companies and industries that are the engines of our economy. The evidence is irrefutable that diversity and inclusion are good for the bottom line.

Women and minorities have made great strides throughout our country's history, yet much more needs to be done to address the social, economic, and political disparities that still exist today. These disparities are institutional, and only by naming them and addressing them systematically will we be able to eliminate them.

Highlights of Beatty Work on Diversity and Inclusion

  • Chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Author of the Ensuring Diverse Leadership Act to provide more opportunities for woman and minorities at the highest levels of the Federal Reserve.
  • Original cosponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act to close the wage gap.
  • Supports reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and funding for VAWA programs.

Read more below, or please contact my office for more information concerning my work and views on Women's Issues.