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Economy and Jobs

Economic strength and job growth result from policies that unshackle job creators, allow American ingenuity, and provide certainty. I stand for slashing job-killing regulations, reducing taxes for the middle class, and keeping small businesses open.

After years of crushing shutdowns, shortages, inflation, and failed Democrat policies, our economy needs to get back on its feet. The best economic stimulus is a job, and the best drivers of success are small businesses. I support reducing burdensome government mandates that defy common sense and result in more paperwork.

Unfortunately, the Biden regime does not understand these concepts. Instead, they have unleashed record inflation on Americans that has decimated our bank accounts, increased gas prices to record levels, raised utility bills, drove up grocery costs, and made it harder to live for most Americans. The root cause of this record-breaking inflation was trillions of dollars of record-breaking wasteful federal spending.

I oppose Biden’s tax increases and have fought to allow families to keep more of their hard-earned money. Under Biden’s disastrous economic policies, the middle-class is getting crushed by less take-home pay, more jobs being sent overseas to China, and more small businesses closing. We need fewer taxes, fewer overreaching regulations, less bureaucratic red tape, and more freedom for the American economic engine to lift more people into prosperity.

When Biden unilaterally locked up federal lands and threatened Colorado’s energy jobs, I introduced the Protecting American Energy Jobs Act to stop his attack on our energy workers. If Biden’s anti-American energy policies are left in place, Colorado will lose 16,000 energy jobs during his first term and over 200,000 in the next decade.

When Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline on day one, I cosponsored the Keystone XL Construction and Jobs Act and introduced two bills to overturn this job-killing decision. 

I led 14 Members of Congress in a letter blasting the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Park Service for proposing new management plans that would kill jobs, harm tourism, and inhibit wildfire response.

Employers throughout the district have consistently told me that they have good jobs they need to fill but can't find good people to hire. A huge part of this problem were excessive unemployment bonuses on top of normal unemployment. In June of 2021,  I called on Governor Polis to end the pandemic posturing, reject federal unemployment bonuses, and get Coloradans back to work.

I have worked closely with the bipartisan delegation to try and keep Space Command, 1,600 jobs, and hundreds of millions of dollars in Colorado. I also secured important federal resources into law for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Colorado’s space program including $2.6 billion for the NASA Space Launch System (SLS), $1.4 billion for the Orion Multi‐Purpose Crew Vehicle, and $590 million for Exploration Ground Systems. Colorado’s aerospace economy is second only to California and accounts for nearly 200,000 jobs.  

I fought against Democrats and RINOs who voted to raise the debt ceiling. We already have $30 trillion in debt, and we will have to pay over $300 billion next year in interest on our debt alone. This is outrageous, and I will continue to promote the best interests of our economy to ensure that all Americans have more freedom and less taxes and inflation.

Additionally, I introduced a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution to rein in federal spending, manage our debt, and get Biden’s inflation under control.

I will continue to put Americans first in every economic decision I make and work tirelessly to help fix our faltering economy.