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Rep. Lauren Boebert Votes NO on the America CONCEDES Act

February 4, 2022

Today, Rep. Lauren Boebert voted against the America CONCEDES Act—aka the so-called America “COMPETES” Act.

Rep. Lauren Boebert stated: “Nancy Pelosi’s China bill does exactly what she has told American Olympians to do while at the games—it plays nice with the CCP. Instead of competing with China, the COMPETES Act sends $8 billion of taxpayer money to Beijing after being laundered by an unaccountable U.N. climate change slush fund that has already given over a hundred million dollars to China. Republicans tried to fix the problem through commonsense amendments preventing China from accessing that money, but Democrats voted them down. Instead of addressing concerns through bipartisan cooperation, Democrats’ tired solution was the same as it always is: just throw more money at the problem with no accountability. This rushed spending bill is a disaster for America, and will further bankrupt our economy, allow more Chinese spies to infiltrate American universities, and shift our military’s focus from combatting Chinese threats to instead combatting climate change. This wasteful legislation looks more like the Green New Deal than a serious national security bill.”

“If Democrats were serious about competing with China, they would reverse Biden’s decision to cancel energy leases and critical mineral mining leases. Instead of importing our natural resources from countries under China’s malign influence, America should take the lead and produce American minerals and American energy in America. My top goal on the House Committee on Natural Resources is to put Colorado and America first—and that starts with using domestic resources.”


The $325 billion America CONCEDES Act contains too many awful provisions to list them all fully, but for starters, the bill:

  • Allocates an unlimited number of green cards for foreign professors and researchers—already a well-known source of Chinese espionage.
  • Directs the military to focus on training to go to battle against climate change.
  • Funnels $8 billion of taxpayer money to the unaccountable U.N. Green Climate fund, which has already sent at least $100 million to China.
  • Creates $3 billion of Solyndra-style government waste to go to useless solar panels.
  • In this time of crisis around the world, puts so-called “Climate Change Officers” on the front lines at embassies throughout the world, distracting our diplomats’ focus on national security.
  • Mentions “coral reefs” more times than “China.”

Rep. Boebert is tough on China, but this bill was not. Rep. Boebert is a co-sponsor of the BEAT China Act, which will create lasting American dominance by bringing manufacturing and jobs back to American soil.