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Celebrating Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act at the White House

September 16, 2022

September 16, 2022

Dear Friend,

This week, I joined President Biden, my Congressional colleagues, activists and advocates in celebrating passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, landmark legislation that will lower prescription drug prices, healthcare costs and energy costs while taking the largest action in history on climate. I also heard testimony from a Ukrainian medic who spent three months as a Russian prisoner of war about the lifesaving work she did and atrocities she witnessed. I also praised the Biden administration’s handling of negotiations that will likely avert a nationwide rail strike, voted to protect the integrity of our next U.S. Census and to protect whistleblowers, released a statement commemorating the 235th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, announced $1.5 million in grants to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and offered a health tip about the new Covid-19 booster shot. Keep reading and follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to see what I am doing as it happens.

Celebrating Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act at the White House

Commending the Courage of a Ukrainian Medic and POW

Praising Biden Administration Effort to Avert a Rail Strike

Voting to Ensure a Fair U.S. Census and to Protect Whistleblowers

Commemorating Constitution Day

Announcing $1.5 Million in Grants to St. Jude

Weekly Health Tip

Quote of the Week

Celebrating Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act at the White House


On Tuesday, I accepted President Biden’s invitation to celebrate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act on the South Lawn of the White House. As the president said that afternoon, it is one of the most significant laws passed in our nation’s history. “The American people won and the special interests lost,” he said. Besides lowering prescription drug and health insurance costs, it lowers energy costs and increases energy security while making major progress in tackling climate change and reducing the deficit at the same time. It was an honor to celebrate the passage and signing of this life-changing law.

Commending the Courage of a Ukrainian Medic and POW


Congressman Cohen and Ukrainian medic Yuliia Paievska

On Thursday, Yuliia “Taira” Paievska, a paramedic, former Russian prisoner of war and Ukrainian national hero, appeared before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe of which I am Co-Chairman. She described the genocide being perpetrated against the people of Ukraine and her mistreatment as a prisoner of war. I commended her for her courage. See my statement on the hearing here.

Praising Biden Administration Effort to Avert a Rail Strike


President Biden, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, administration officials, unions and railroad companies should be commended for securing improved working conditions and averting a nationwide rail strike. The deal announced Thursday will improve rail workers’ lives and prevent what could have been an economy-paralyzing strike.

Voting to Ensure a Fair U.S. Census and to Protect Whistleblowers


On Thursday, I voted for and the House passed the Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act and the Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act. The U.S. Census bill bolsters the Census Bureau’s budgetary and operational planning and protects it against political interference, like that which preceding the 2020 decennial head count. The whistleblower bill clarifies that no federal government employee may interfere with or retaliate against a federal employee for sharing information with Congress, prohibits agencies from launching retaliatory investigations against employees who expose wrongdoing, and limits public disclosure of the identity of an employee who engages in whistleblowing activity. Both measures strengthen our democracy by ensuring transparency and accountability.

Commemorating Constitution Day


Saturday is Constitution Day, the 235th anniversary of the official signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. See my statement commemorating the anniversary here.

Announcing $1.5 Million in Grants to St. Jude

On Monday and on Wednesday, I announced grants to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital totaling $1,593,840. See my releases on the grants here and here.

Weekly Health Tip


On Monday, the Shelby County Health Department announced that the new “bivalent” COVID-19 boosters are now available without an appointment for free at its facilities at 814 Jefferson Avenue (Suite 207) and at 1826 Sycamore View Road. The updated booster vaccine is “bivalent” because it triggers immune responses to both the original COVID-19 strain and the newer Omicron variants. It can only be given to people who have, at a minimum, completed the initial two dose series of either Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least two months ago. Right now, the health department is offering the updated Pfizer booster, which is authorized for eligible individuals aged 12 and older, and expects to soon also offer the updated Moderna booster to those aged 18 years and older. For anyone who has not yet been vaccinated, the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson/Jansen vaccines are also available as authorized for people aged 12 years and older. See additional information on the shots here.

Quote of the Week


“Folks, look, elected officials who stood up to the millions of dollars in attack ads from special interests; business leaders who were willing to endure the criticism from many of their colleagues; and so many people who have fought for years to lower prescription drug prices and tackle the climate crisis. This is your victory.” – President Biden speaking at a celebration on passage of the Inflation Reduction Act on Tuesday. 

As always, I remain.
Most sincerely,

Steve Cohen
Member of Congress