Health Care

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Health Care

Americans continue to face a health care crisis. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, has been one of the most comprehensive expansions of government power we have seen in our nation’s history. This law runs completely contrary to the principles of limited government and the free market upon which our nation was founded and to which I am committed.  Obamacare included a massive expansion of government interference, new taxes, and increased bureaucracy in our health care system. I frequently hear from my constituents that they’ve lost access to a long-trusted doctor, that their insurance premiums have doubled, or most often, that their new deductible is so high that their insurance is essentially unusable. I strongly support increasing access, innovation, and affordability in our health care system, but the ACA is not achieving any of those goals.

For these reasons, I’ve voted to repeal and replace the ACA with a system that puts doctors and patients, as opposed to Washington bureaucrats, back in charge of health care. Unfortunately, our most recent efforts did not pass in the Senate, but I remain committed to fighting for a health care system that works for American families.

Most recently, I voted in favor of the tax reform law which included a repeal of the Individual Mandate, so families will no longer be forced to buy health insurance they don’t want or need.


One of the most effective ways to reduce health care costs and improve patient outcomes is to invest in vital research. As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, I worked hard to get H.R. 6, the 21st Century Cures Act passed and signed into law. This legislation included several improvements to how we research and treat serious diseases, in addition to providing significant funding for the Cancer Moonshot program.

I am a strong supporter of the National Institute of Health (NIH), our nation’s premiere medical research institution. With my support, Congress has increased NIH’s budget annually for the past three years and the current budget level is the highest the agency has ever seen.

Rep. Kinzinger Urges NIH for More Pediatric Cancer Research

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

I believe the federal government has an important role to play in supporting health coverage for those truly in need, including through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). On January 18, 2018, I proudly voted for a decade-long extension of CHIP funding through our continuing resolution. I am and will continue to be a strong advocate for CHIP, which serves over one million Illinois children.

Kinzinger Votes to Fund CHIP, Keep Government Open

Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis is the most serious drug epidemic our nation has ever faced. It’s not only tearing apart families and communities, but this epidemic is also putting significant strain on our health care system, including first responders, hospital staff/emergency rooms, mental health care providers, and substance use disorder treatment providers.

To learn more about my efforts to combat the opioid crisis, please click here.

I look forward to continuing my work on the House Energy & Commerce Committee to enact real reforms that reduce bureaucracy and provide Americans with improved and affordable health care options. 

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